Islamic scholars and leaders gather in Diyarbakır for Mawlid al Nabi celebration

The Prophet's Lovers Foundation on Sunday hosted a unique Mawlid al-Nabi event titled "Jihad Leader, Prophet Muhammad" in Diyarbakır, a Kurdish-majority city in southeastern Türkiye.

Ekleme: 28.04.2024 19:56:05 / Güncelleme: 28.04.2024 19:56:05 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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The event transcended the traditional celebrations of the Prophet's birthday, instead using the occasion to raise awareness about the ongoing struggles in Gaza and Palestine and promote Muslim unity in the face of these challenges.

The gathering attracted prominent figures from the Islamic world, including Prof. Dr. Ali Muhyiddin Al-Qaradaghi President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and Dr. Nawaf Takruri, President of the Palestinian Union of Scholars. Their presence lent weight to the event's message of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Calls to Action for Gaza and Palestine

Speakers passionately condemned the violence inflicted on Palestinians and underscored the importance of unwavering support. Dr. Takruri, in his address, implored the audience, "O brothers and sisters, continue your demonstrations in the squares, never stop. Continue to support Gaza, the Aqsa Flood and the mujahideen."  Menaf Adıyaman, delivering the message on behalf of the Prophet's Lovers Foundation, emphasized the need for a robust response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The message advocated for establishing a strong military and political presence as a means to defend Palestinian people and Islamic holy sites.

Prophet Muhammad: A Model of Leadership

Prof. Dr. Ali Muhyiddin Al-Qaradaghi, President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, delivered a compelling message at the event, advocating for solidarity with Muslims in Gaza and Palestine.

Al-Qaradaghi speech steered the focus towards the exemplary character and leadership qualities embodied by Prophet Muhammad. He drew a stark contrast between the Prophet's teachings, as exemplified in the Quranic verse, "Surely you are upon the most beautiful morals." [Quran 68:4], and the brutality faced by Palestinians.  Al-Qaradaghi highlighted the Prophet's emphasis on achieving balance between worldly pursuits and spiritual well-being, a message particularly relevant in these times of struggle.

Criticism of Western Response

The event also featured strong criticism of the inaction and hypocrisy of Western nations regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Al-Qaradaghi pointed out how Western powers often prioritize their own interests over upholding human rights and justice in the region. He said: "Until the Flood of Aqsa, Westerners and Americans were talking about women's rights, the rights of the sick, the protection of hospitals, the rights of children, human rights, but they trampled on all these laws that they themselves established in Gaza and Palestine." This critique resonated with many attendees who felt that the West had turned a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinians.

A Call for Islamic Unity and Return to Islamic Principles

A central theme of the event was the urgent need for Islamic unity. Speakers argued that Muslims, drawing strength from their shared faith and values, should come together to address the challenges faced by the Palestinian people. Al-Qaradaghi offered a compelling argument that Islamic law provides the most effective framework for achieving true justice and securing the rights of all Muslims.  He concluded his speech with a powerful call to action, urging all attendees, saying: "There is no one who will give your rights and laws in the real sense except Islam. Then we need to return to Islam again. Islam is the only religion that does not make any difference in terms of rights and law. Brothers and sisters, I would also like to tell you that it is obligatory on all of us in terms of sharia, reason and humanity that we should be with our brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine and support them on every platform."

Event Conclusion: A Message of Hope and Unity

The Mawlid al-Nabi event in Diyarbakır concluded on a hopeful note.  While acknowledging the hardships faced by Muslims around the world, particularly in Palestine, the event emphasized the importance of unity and a return to Islamic principles.  The closing remarks by Al-Qaradaghi expressed his gratitude to the organizers and attendees for their participation, leaving a lasting message of solidarity and hope for a brighter future. (ILKHA)