Barbados officially recognizes Palestine as a state

The Republic of Barbados has officially recognized Palestine as a state, becoming the 140th United Nations member and the 11th Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member to do so.

Ekleme: 20.04.2024 13:45:50 / Güncelleme: 20.04.2024 13:45:50 / English News
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In a statement released today, Barbados’ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerries Symmonds, said that his country “made the determination that the time is ripe for us to have a formal diplomatic recognition of the State of Palestine.” He added that Barbados has always advocated for a two-state solution to the conflict.

“How can we say we want a two-state solution if we do not recognise Palestine as a state?” Symmonds questioned.

He pointed out the inconsistency in Barbados’ position, noting that despite advocating for a two-state solution, the country had not previously recognized the State of Palestine. (ILKHA)