Hamas commends global participation in “International Jerusalem Day”

The Hamas Movement has expressed its appreciation for the widespread public participation in the “Friday of Rage for Palestine” and “International Jerusalem Day,” urging for an increase in all forms of support and solidarity with Gaza.

Ekleme: 06.04.2024 00:21:14 / Güncelleme: 06.04.2024 00:21:14 / English News
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In a statement released on Friday, the Movement commended the Palestinian worshipers who amplified their presence at the Aqsa Mosque on the fourth Friday of Ramadan.

The Movement expressed its deep gratitude for the large crowds that responded to the call for a “Friday of Rage for Palestine” and the “International Day of Jerusalem,” in all capitals, cities, squares, and mosques of the Arab and Islamic world.

The Hamas Movement also lauded the ongoing global mass movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, which is taking place across the world.

Earlier, Hamas had issued a call to Muslims worldwide to participate in a “Friday of Rage for Palestine,” demonstrating their commitment to the Palestinian cause. (ILKHA)