Prophet's Lovers Foundation urges Quranic guidance in message on Laylat al-Qadr

As the Islamic world prepares to celebrate Laylat al-Qadr, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation has issued a message emphasizing the importance of this holy night and its connection to the Quran.

Ekleme: 04.04.2024 12:05:53 / Güncelleme: 04.04.2024 12:05:53 / English News
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Laylat al-Qadr, also known as the Night of Power or Night of Decree, is believed to be a night overflowing with divine blessings, mercy from Allah (God), and forgiveness of sins. Traditionally observed on the 27th night of Ramadan, the exact date varies depending on the sighting of the crescent moon.

Kenan Çaplık, Vice President of the Prophet's Lovers Foundation, delivered a message filled with advice for Muslims on how to best observe this holy night. He began by quoting verses from the Quran (Surah al-Qadr) highlighting the significance of Laylat al-Qadr.

The Quran: Revealed on Laylat al-Qadr

Çaplık emphasized the belief that Laylat al-Qadr marks the night when the Quran, the holy book of Islam, was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel. This momentous event is seen as a pivotal moment in Islamic history, marking the beginning of divine revelation that would shape the religion.

Living by the Quran's Teachings

The message went beyond simply acknowledging the Quran's historical significance. Çaplık urged Muslims to actively embrace the Quran's teachings as a source of guidance and a path to happiness in both this life and the hereafter.  He emphasized the importance of not only reading the Quran but also striving to understand and embody its message in daily life.

The Sunnah: A Guide to Understanding the Quran

Çaplık presented the authentic Sunnah, the teachings and practices based on the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) life, as a key to interpreting and living by the Quran. By following the Prophet's example, Muslims gain a deeper understanding of how the Quran's principles can be applied to their daily lives.

Beyond Ramadan: Making the Quran a Constant Companion

The Foundation's message challenged the notion of solely reading the Quran during Ramadan. Çaplık encouraged Muslims to cultivate an ongoing engagement with the holy text throughout the year. This could involve daily readings, participating in Quran study groups, or reflecting on the Quran's meaning. By making the Quran a constant companion, Muslims can ensure its guidance and inspiration permeate all aspects of their lives.

Social Responsibility and Charity

The message also addressed social responsibility. Çaplık highlighted the importance of charity (sadaqah) and giving back to the community. He urged Muslims to support those in need and increase their contributions to charitable organizations.  Çaplık emphasized that acts of charity not only benefit the recipients but also bring blessings and spiritual rewards to those who give.

Investing in the Future: Education and Morality

Laying a strong foundation for the next generation is another key theme of the message. Çaplık stressed the importance of education and good morals, particularly for children. He called upon Muslims to actively contribute to the education and well-being of the younger generation. This could involve supporting educational initiatives, fostering Islamic values within their families, or serving as mentors to young people.

Prayers and Solidarity for the Oppressed

The Prophet's Lovers Foundation message concluded with a call for continued prayers and support for the oppressed around the world. Çaplık emphasized the power of collective action and urged Muslims to unite in solidarity with those facing injustice. He suggested that instead of feeling helpless, Muslims should ask "What can I do?" By working together, even small contributions from individuals can create a significant positive impact.

The Foundation concluded their message by extending wishes for a Laylat al-Qadr filled with blessings and spiritual enrichment to Muslims worldwide. (ILKHA)