Erdoğan pledges to enhance Istanbul's earthquake preparedness

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, also the Chairman of the Justice and Development (AK) Party, delivered a speech at the party's rally in Istanbul's Arnavutköy district, addressing citizens and emphasizing the government's commitment to serving the nation.

Ekleme: 30.03.2024 22:41:00 / Güncelleme: 30.03.2024 22:41:00 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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Speaking to the crowd, President Erdoğan highlighted the party's history of action-driven governance over the past three decades, starting from his tenure as the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. He emphasized the administration's focus on overcoming obstacles and delivering services to the people, rather than making excuses for incompetence.

Expressing satisfaction in the party's contributions to all 81 provinces of Türkiye, President Erdoğan remarked on the visible impact of the government's projects and services in Arnavutköy and throughout Istanbul.

Reiterating the government's dedication to serving the people, Erdoğan stated: "We will continue to endeavor for you, for Istanbul, for our 85 million citizens with the understanding that those working with love do not get tired."

Addressing Türkiye's Geopolitical Challenges

Erdoğan also addressed Turkey's challenging geopolitical position, citing conflicts in neighboring regions and ongoing threats. He highlighted the importance of remaining vigilant amidst regional instability, mentioning conflicts in Syria, the ongoing war near the Black Sea, and the recent terror attack in Moscow.

Emphasizing the need for preparedness, Erdoğan pledged to ensure that Istanbul and its districts are well-prepared for earthquakes, acknowledging the city's vulnerability to seismic activity. He stressed the importance of prioritizing earthquake readiness, especially in the wake of past disasters.

Commitment to Enhancing Istanbul's Security and Resilience

Following his speech in Arnavutköy, President Erdoğan reiterated the government's commitment to enhancing Istanbul's security and resilience, particularly in response to the threat of earthquakes. He emphasized the need for proactive measures and dedicated efforts to protect the city and its residents from potential disasters. (ILKHA)