HÜDA PAR Chairman urges continued support for Gaza amid election campaign

HÜDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu's visit to Kahta district of Adıyaman for election campaigning turned into a massive rally with thousands of residents flocking to the square in front of the HÜDA PAR Mayoral candidate's office.

Ekleme: 29.03.2024 14:46:00 / Güncelleme: 29.03.2024 14:46:00 / English News / Adıyaman Haberleri
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The event, originally planned as a public meeting, transformed into a rally due to the overwhelming turnout. Following a Quran recitation, HÜDA PAR mayoral candidate for Kahta, Adem Yavuz, addressed the crowd.

Speaking at the event, Yapıcıoğlu made Gaza the centerpiece of his speech, emphasizing its importance despite the approaching elections.

"Gaza Cannot Be Erased from Our Agenda Until the Oppression Ends"

Yapıcıoğlu declared that the ongoing suffering in Gaza remains a top priority, even amidst the election campaign.

"Of course, the elections are on the national agenda, but it is not our number one concern," he stated. "Unfortunately, Gaza maintains its tragic position on our agenda, and it rightfully should. Blood has been continuously spilled there for nearly six months. Today, news emerged about another child dying of starvation in northern Gaza. Our brothers and sisters are perishing from hunger and lack of medical attention. Bombs continue to fall, raining down death upon them. As long as this oppression persists, Gaza will remain a critical issue for us."

Acknowledging potential frustration with the ongoing crisis, Yapıcıoğlu asserted his unwavering commitment.

"Some people might be weary," he conceded. "Some might think, 'We've spoken about this issue for so long, yet the bloodshed continues. Let's move on, bury our heads in the sand.' But by God, we cannot abandon Gaza. It is unthinkable to turn our backs on their plight before the persecution and occupation cease. No true believer or Muslim would do such a thing. And God willing, we will not abandon Gaza, even if everyone else does. We will not forget our brothers and sisters in Gaza."

Hope for Palestinian Liberation Despite Ongoing Suffering

Yapıcıoğlu expressed his conviction that the Palestinian resistance will persevere until complete liberation is achieved.

"Yes, the resistance will continue," he declared. "Palestinian lands have endured Zionist occupation for 75-76 years, yet the resistance remains unbroken. After each assault, the resistance has risen stronger and louder. God willing, this resistance will continue until Gaza, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and all of Palestine are completely free."

He acknowledged the potential despair caused by the ongoing persecution but offered a message of hope.

"The situation may appear bleak, leading some to lose hope," Yapıcıoğlu admitted.  "But my brothers and sisters, I bring you good news. By the permission of Allah, the Zionist occupation regime is nearing its end. It has already been defeated.  Victory cannot be attained solely through bloodshed. If that were true, those who martyred countless of our grandfathers in Çanakkale would have succeeded in occupying those lands. But that's not how it works. Algeria drove out invaders after sacrificing millions of martyrs. The same happened in Libya, Egypt, and Afghanistan. The occupiers will leave Palestine too. They will be forced to flee."

Yapıcıoğlu cited the "Aqsa Flood," a significant exodus of Israelis from Palestinian territories, as evidence of a turning tide.

"Since the Aqsa Flood, nearly 700 thousand zionist settlers have departed Palestinian lands," he revealed. "By the will of Allah, the remaining ones will eventually pack up and leave as well. Our Palestine and Aqsa will regain their freedom." (ILKHA)