Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal hails Al-Aqsa Flood battle as historic

Khaled Mishaal, the Head of Hamas’s foreign political bureau, has characterized the Al-Aqsa Flood battle as a "historic and decisive battle" in the ongoing conflict between the Palestinian people and the Israeli occupation.

Ekleme: 27.03.2024 20:56:02 / Güncelleme: 27.03.2024 20:56:02 / English News
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Speaking at a women’s event in Jordan on Wednesday, Mishaal emphasized the significance of Jordan's proximity to Palestine, stating that the people of Jordan are expected to play a crucial supportive role in the resistance against the occupation.

Despite acknowledging the challenging circumstances faced by the resistance, particularly in Gaza, Mishaal highlighted the resilience of Palestinians in the face of adversity. He described ongoing operations in Jerusalem and the West Bank as evidence of a significant escalation in the conflict.

While recognizing the imbalance of power, Mishaal expressed confidence in the support of Allah and the determination of the Palestinian people to continue the struggle against the occupation.

Mishaal also condemned the complicity of the West in the crimes of the Israeli occupation, emphasizing that Palestinian suffering only strengthens their resolve to fight against oppression.

He asserted that the Al-Aqsa Flood battle has shed light on the true nature of the israeli occupation, exposing its brutality to the international community. (ILKHA)