WHO raises alarm on tuberculosis crisis in Afghanistan

The World Health Organization (WHO) shed light on the concerning prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in Afghanistan on World Tuberculosis Day, observed on March 24th.

Ekleme: 26.03.2024 17:21:20 / Güncelleme: 26.03.2024 17:21:20 / English News
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According to a WHO social media post, Afghanistan reported a staggering 80,000 tuberculosis cases in 2023. This figure breaks down into roughly 76,000 cases of regular (drug-sensitive) TB and a concerning 3,700 cases of drug-resistant, a more serious form of the disease.

The WHO emphasizes that while TB is preventable and treatable, early detection and proper treatment are critical to avoid potentially fatal outcomes.

World Tuberculosis Day serves as an annual reminder of this global health threat and the ongoing efforts to eradicate it. (ILKHA)