International solidarity: Protests erupt across capitals against israeli genocide in Gaza

Massive demonstrations swept across numerous capitals and cities worldwide, with thousands gathering to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and denounce the ongoing israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Ekleme: 24.03.2024 12:25:54 / Güncelleme: 24.03.2024 12:25:54 / English News
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Protesters in the United Kingdom took to the streets in over 30 cities, with London hosting 11 separate rallies. Chanting slogans demanding an immediate cessation of the Israeli war and genocide in Gaza, demonstrators called for aid delivery to the besieged inhabitants and accountability for Israel's actions.

In Berlin, Germany, a protest march condemned what was described as Israeli genocide in Gaza, with particular criticism directed at Israel's use of starvation as a weapon against civilians. Protesters also voiced opposition to the German government's support for Israel through weapon sales.

Austria saw demonstrations in Vienna, where dozens gathered on Maria Hilfer Street, brandishing Palestinian flags and banners calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza.

Meanwhile, in Stockholm, Sweden, a massive rally rallied in support of Palestine and Gaza, advocating for an end to israeli attacks and the provision of humanitarian aid to the famine-stricken population.

In Helsinki, Finland, demonstrators formed a human chain to condemn ongoing massacres in Gaza and demand immediate humanitarian aid and an end to the israeli atrocities in Gaza.

Italy witnessed protests in Milan, where hundreds showed solidarity with Gaza and denounced the occupation's massacres against Palestinians.

Even in East Asia, in Seoul, South Korea, activists protested against the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza, expressing discontent with the international stance on the conflict.

Tunis, Tunisia, saw demonstrators gathering on Habib Bourguiba Avenue, condemning the international silence over Israeli actions and calling for an end to the massacres and violations against Gazans, as well as urging for the reopening of border crossings to facilitate aid delivery. (ILKHA)