Chilling video reveals israeli drone targeting unarmed men in Gaza

In a chilling incident captured on video, an israeli drone relentlessly tracked and executed four young Palestinian men in the al-Sika area of Khan Younis, a city in southern Gaza.

Ekleme: 22.03.2024 15:10:33 / Güncelleme: 22.03.2024 15:10:33 / English News
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The footage, transmitted back to the israeli air force command center, reveals a grim reality of violence and destruction.

The victims, seemingly unarmed, were walking along a road that had been bulldozed by Israeli armored vehicles. The scarred remnants of buildings, casualties of previous Israeli airstrikes and ground operations, surrounded them.

The drone, part of a fleet that has hovered over Gaza since the war began in October, methodically stalked the men before launching its deadly assault. The initial missile claimed two lives, the graphic nature of the footage preventing further broadcast. However, the horror did not end there. Despite one survivor attempting to flee, the drone returned, targeting and killing both remaining men.

Al Jazeera has confirmed that the four Palestinians killed in this January drone attack were civilians. The video evidence starkly portrays their vulnerability as they walked along a devastated road.

Israel and the United States have deployed drones in Gaza for surveillance and targeted operations against alleged Hamas members. Alongside combat drones, Israel’s aerial arsenal includes warplanes like the F16 and Apache attack helicopters. Notably, remote-controlled quadcopters have also been introduced for the first time in the Palestinian territories, further escalating the conflict.

This tragic incident underscores the urgent need for accountability and a reevaluation of the use of lethal drone technology in conflict zones. The international community must address these violations of human rights and seek justice for the innocent lives lost. (ILKHA)