Lawyers and NGOs take legal action against companies trading with israeli regime

Lawyers and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), under the leadership of MAZLUM-DER, convened in front of the Ankara Palace of Justice to file criminal complaints against companies trading with the Israeli occupation regime.

Ekleme: 06.03.2024 16:06:05 / Güncelleme: 06.03.2024 16:06:05 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The legal action aimed to hold these entities accountable for reportedly supporting genocide and making it sustainable.

The event saw the participation of various figures, including HÜDA PAR Ankara Provincial Chairman Ahmet Karaarslan, HÜDA PAR Altındağ Mayor Candidate Av. Harun Agah, and President of Ekin and Generation Association Zeynep Şen Sayımlar, alongside NGO representatives and many lawyers.

During the event, Attorney Halis Çıtır, a member of the MAZLUM-DER Ankara Board, emphasized that trading with the occupier and genocidal Israel constitutes a crime. Çıtır highlighted the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime since its establishment, including the occupation of Palestinian territories, indiscriminate bombings, and the imposition of a siege on Gaza.

Despite international efforts and interim measures announced by the International Court of Justice, Çıtır noted that the occupier Israel has continued its genocide against the Palestinian people. He stressed the importance of holding the Israeli government accountable for its actions and ensuring justice for the victims.

Furthermore, Çıtır raised concerns about the ongoing commercial activities between Turkey and Israel, despite the genocide in Gaza. He pointed out that some products traded with Israel are used for military purposes, exacerbating the conflict and contributing to the continuation of the occupation.

Under Turkish law, not only the perpetrators but also those who assist in the commission of a crime can be held responsible. Çıtır reiterated the intention to file nationwide criminal complaints against individuals and companies involved in trading with Israel, seeking accountability for their actions.

The event concluded with the submission of petitions to prosecutors in port cities where trade with Israel is ongoing. The initiative aims to expedite investigations and ensure that all parties involved in supporting genocide are held accountable under the law. (ILKHA)