Gaza food crisis deepens: 15 children dead, 700,000 citizens suffer extreme hunger

The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza has warned that the famine in the Gaza Strip is deepening and aid airdrops are ineffective, holding the israeli occupation regime, the US administration and the international community responsible for the food crisis in the war-torn coastal enclave.

Ekleme: 03.03.2024 19:56:00 / Güncelleme: 03.03.2024 19:56:00 / English News
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“2,400,000 people suffer from severe food shortages, and the famine is deepening further in northern Gaza and Gaza City,” GMO said in a statement on Sunday.

GMO affirmed that 15 children had died as a result of hunger, malnutrition and dehydration, while more than 700,000 citizens suffer from extreme hunger.

“Some countries have come up with the idea of airdropping aid with a few planes, but everyone knows that it is not the best way to provide aid to the people in the Gaza Strip,” GMO said.

“Some countries carried out aid airdrops in good faith, but other countries like the United States are acting in bad faith because they have actually participated in the war, supplied the occupation regime with weapons and given it the green light to commit more massacres,” GMO added.

“Dropping aid from aircraft and turning a blind eye to the importance of providing aid through land crossings come in the context of circumventing the radical solutions to the problem by pursuing showy, propaganda and useless methods,” GMO underlined.

GMO affirmed that the aid airdrop operations have serious consequences for the civilians and constitute a major challenge for them as part of the aid parcels falls into the sea, or near or inside areas controlled by the Israeli occupation army. (ILKHA)