Prophet’s Lovers calls for international action as Gaza crisis enters fifth month

A rally organized in Diyarbakır saw a gathering of concerned individuals and activists condemning the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, urging international intervention to address the plight of Palestinians.

Ekleme: 01.03.2024 17:06:03 / Güncelleme: 01.03.2024 17:06:03 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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Led by the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, the rally aimed to raise awareness about the atrocities committed by the zionist regime against the Palestinian people. Participants, including members of civil society organizations and local residents, gathered in solidarity to express their support for the victims of the genocide and demand an end to the violence.

Standing before the Hacı Şefik Efendi Mosque in the Bağlar district, Medeni Taş, representing the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, delivered a comprehensive press statement outlining the organization's stance and demands.

"O you who believe! Be patient, compete in steadfastness, be prepared against the enemy, and beware of disobeying Allah so that you may be successful," Taş began, quoting a verse from the Quran. "We are together again for solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine and to denounce the Zionist atrocities and genocide."

Expanding on the significance of the Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem cause, Taş emphasized: "Our brothers from Gaza and Palestine, who shoulder the cause of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem, continue their resistance and struggle against zionist oppression and barbarism with a patience and heroism that is rare in history."

"The continuation and success of this blessed resistance, which is about to fill its fifth month, is of course not only the responsibility of our Palestinian brothers," Taş continued. "The cause of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem is the cause of all Muslims."

Highlighting the urgent need for international intervention, Taş urged: "Global boycotts should be persistently continued in a planned manner, and Zionist interests and elements should be targeted all over the world."

"In addition to condemning the violence and oppression," Taş emphasized, "We need concrete steps to hold the zionist occupiers accountable for their crimes."

Expressing concern over the deteriorating situation in Gaza, Taş called for diplomatic efforts and international pressure to secure a ceasefire, lift the embargo, and facilitate the reconstruction of Gaza, ensuring the safe return of Palestinians to their homes.

The rally concluded peacefully, with participants reaffirming their commitment to the cause of justice and solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine. As the global community continues to grapple with the crisis, the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation remains steadfast in its advocacy for peace, justice, and the rights of the Palestinian people. Through their collective efforts, they hoped to bring about positive change and alleviate the suffering of those affected by the genocide in Gaza. (ILKHA)