Large rally in Jordan condemns israeli genocide in Gaza, calls for US accountability

Thousands of Jordanians gathered in a large-scale protest on Friday, expressing solidarity with Palestinians and condemning israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Ekleme: 23.02.2024 19:51:03 / Güncelleme: 23.02.2024 19:51:03 / English News
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According to local reports, the protesters, led by an association called "Support for Resistance and Defense of Jordan," marched from Ebadorrahman Mosque to the American Embassy building.

The protest, organized under the slogan “condemning aggression against Jordan, the US crimes against some Arab countries and the flow of goods to the Zionist regime,” saw participants waving Palestinian flags and holding banners.

Chanting anti-Israel and anti-US slogans, the demonstrators demanded an end to the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, which they allege is supported by Washington.

Additionally, they called on the Jordanian government to take stronger measures in support of Palestinian stability and urged the severance of ties and termination of all agreements with the Zionist regime.

The protest also included expressions of support for resistance fighters battling israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, highlighting the widespread condemnation of Israel's actions in the region. (ILKHA)