Prophet's Lovers Foundation marks Laylat al-Barat, urges prayers for Gaza

The Prophet's Lovers Foundation issued a message on the occasion of Laylat al-Barat, highlighting its significance for repentance and urging Muslims to remember those struggling in Gaza.

Ekleme: 23.02.2024 12:15:54 / Güncelleme: 23.02.2024 12:15:54 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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As the Muslim world prepares to observe Laylat al-Barat, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation has issued a message emphasizing the spiritual significance of this night and urging Muslims to embrace opportunities for repentance, worship, and collective support.

Laylat al-Barat, also known as the Night of Forgiveness, falls on the 15th night of the Islamic month of Sha'ban. It holds particular importance within the holy months leading up to Ramadan, serving as a time for reflection, seeking forgiveness, and preparing for the spiritual intensity of the upcoming fasting month.

Yakup Kaya, a member of the foundation's board, delivered the message, highlighting the special status of Laylat al-Barat. He explained: "This night is associated with increased divine mercy and forgiveness. It is a time for us to truly reflect on our shortcomings and seek Allah's forgiveness with sincere repentance."

Drawing upon prophetic traditions, Kaya emphasized the importance of actively seeking forgiveness and dhikr, the remembrance of God, on Laylat al-Barat. He cited Hadiths that illustrate the potential blessings associated with this night, including the prospect of attaining forgiveness, increased sustenance, and relief from hardships.

Kaya quoted a Hadith, stating: "'When it is the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban, get up for worship on its night and fast the day of that night. For when the sun sets on that night, Allah descends to the sky closest to the earth and forgives whoever seeks forgiveness from Me, I will forgive him. Whoever seeks sustenance from Me, I will give him sustenance. Whoever is afflicted, I will give him salvation.'"

Beyond individual spiritual renewal, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation message also addressed the ongoing struggles faced by the Muslim community in Gaza. Kaya urged Muslims to remember the "mujahideen" in their prayers and express solidarity with those facing oppression and conflict.

"On this blessed night, we should pray for the mujahideen from Gaza to achieve victories with our most heartfelt feelings," Kaya implored. "History has shown us that those who have spent their nights in worship and strived for good during the day have always won victories."

The message concluded with well wishes for a Laylat al-Barat filled with meaningful worship, sincere repentance, and an outpouring of collective compassion for the Muslim Ummah, particularly those facing hardship and persecution. (ILKHA)