Prabowo Subianto declares victory in Indonesian presidential election

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto declared victory in Indonesia's presidential election on Wednesday, following unofficial vote counts indicating a significant lead that could secure him a win in a single round.

Ekleme: 14.02.2024 17:51:02 / Güncelleme: 14.02.2024 17:51:02 / English News
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While Prabowo's supporters erupted in cheers, his rivals, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo, raised serious allegations of widespread electoral fraud, casting a shadow over the preliminary results.

Unofficial quick counts conducted by four independent pollsters, based on tallies from a sample of voting stations across the nation, showed Prabowo leading with a significant margin, garnering about 58% of the counted votes. However, these tallies only covered a portion of the total ballots cast, ranging from 78% to 93% as of Wednesday evening. The official count by the election commission is still ongoing, with a slower pace and Prabowo currently holding 57.7% of the votes tallied at 6% completion.

Amidst the incomplete official count, Prabowo confidently declared victory in a rousing speech before his supporters, promising to "lead a government of the best Indonesians." This announcement, based on unofficial results, suggests a potential single-round win for Prabowo, avoiding a second-round runoff. However, his triumphal declaration was met with immediate opposition from his rivals.

Anies and Ganjar, trailing with approximately 25% and 17% respectively in the quick counts, vehemently contested the outcome. They urged the public to hold their judgment until the official results are announced, expected by March 20th at the latest. More importantly, both candidates raised alarming concerns about electoral irregularities, alleging "structural, systematic, and massive fraud." While they did not provide any concrete evidence to support these claims, the accusations cast a dark cloud over the election's transparency and integrity.

This election unfolds against a backdrop of a complex political landscape. Prabowo, despite his controversial past association with the authoritarian regime of Suharto, enjoys the tacit backing of the current president, Joko Widodo. This strategic alliance aims to ensure continuity of Widodo's legacy, potentially involving a role for his son in Prabowo's future administration. However, Anies and Ganjar represent different political factions and ideological visions for Indonesia's future.

As Indonesia awaits the official election results, the world watches with keen interest. The allegations of electoral fraud demand thorough investigation and a transparent resolution. Whether Prabowo's apparent lead holds in the final count or the accusations of irregularities lead to further scrutiny and potential challenges, the coming weeks will be crucial for determining the country's future leadership and democratic stability. (ILKHA)