While unveiling the party's nominees for the upcoming local elections, Yapıcıoğlu underscored the enduring significance of the Palestinian cause, weaving it into the broader narrative of justice and human rights.

In his comprehensive speech, Yapıcıoğlu reiterated that Palestine remains a paramount concern for HÜDA PAR, describing it as an unchanging and permanent agenda item. "We cannot discuss local elections or our political stance without addressing the ongoing tragedy in Palestine. The bleeding wound in Gaza and the unrelenting atrocity of Zionism must remain at the forefront of our collective consciousness,” he passionately stated.

The chairman expressed deep concern over the escalating violence in Gaza and the West Bank, condemning the prolonged occupation of Palestinian lands. He criticized the insufficient reactions from certain Islamic countries, asserting: "It's disheartening to witness the lack of response from many Islamic nations in the face of such injustice. We call on leaders worldwide to take decisive action to halt the oppression faced by our Palestinian brothers and sisters."

Providing updates on the situation in Gaza, Yapıcıoğlu highlighted the remarkable resilience of the Palestinian people against the aggression they face. He declared: "Despite the relentless bombings and atrocities, the people of Gaza stand firm. Their courage is a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity." Expressing confidence in the eventual defeat of Zionism, he underscored the failure of the Zionist regime's goals in the face of increasing global condemnation.

While the introduction program primarily aimed to present HÜDA PAR's candidates for the forthcoming local elections, Yapıcıoğlu made it clear that the Palestinian cause should remain a central focus, given the severity of the situation and the urgent need for international intervention. The chairman's robust advocacy for Palestine resonated with the party's commitment to justice, human rights, and the pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the enduring Middle East conflict.

In his call to action, Yapıcıoğlu urged leaders to rise above political considerations and prioritize the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. "Our collective humanity demands that we set aside political differences and work together to end the suffering in Palestine. This isn't just about politics; it's about the basic principles of justice, equality, and human decency," he noted.

The chairman went on to highlight the need for a concerted effort on the international stage to address the ongoing crisis, emphasizing the importance of global solidarity. He appealed to leaders and citizens alike, saying: "We must unite on the world stage to condemn the atrocities in Palestine. It's not enough to watch from the sidelines. We need tangible, collective action to ensure the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people are upheld."

As the chairman concluded his address, he made a direct plea to the international community, stating:       "The Palestinian cause is not just an issue for Muslims; it's a global concern. We must recognize our shared responsibility to end the suffering in Palestine. Let us stand together, irrespective of faith or nationality, to bring about lasting peace and justice for the people of Palestine."

While the local election announcements were a focal point of the event, Yapıcıoğlu's impassioned call for solidarity and global action for Palestine echoed loudly, reinforcing HÜDA PAR's commitment to humanitarian values on both the local and international fronts. (ILKHA)