The initiative, spearheaded by the Provincial President of HÜDA PAR Women's Branch, Sema Karakayalı, aimed to provide support to Palestine amid the ongoing attacks by the israeli occupation regime.

The call for donations resonated with the Muslim community worldwide, prompting a collective effort to aid the Palestinian resistance. Even children participated in the donation drive, contributing their report card gifts and pocket money to the cause.

Sema Karakayalı, expressing the commitment of the group, stated: "We are doing what we can on our own front to support our brothers and sisters in Gaza. We will continue to give as much as we can, pray, boycott, and participate in all activities until Palestine is free. We will persist in our struggle until Palestine achieves victory."

The donated items, including jewelry and personal belongings, will be utilized to provide crucial assistance to the people of Gaza. This heartwarming story showcases the power of collective action and emphasizes the impact of even small acts of kindness in making a significant difference. (ILKHA)