The closure has left approximately 300,000 children without access to education, the agencies said in a joint statement on World Education Day.

Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 625,000 students in Gaza have been deprived of education, as confirmed by the three UN organizations.

They highlighted the devastating impact on the education sector, with 22,000 teachers losing their jobs, and 75% of schools sustaining damage as a result of the hostilities.

The agencies issued a collective plea for an immediate end to the conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for Palestinian students and teachers to resume education in a safe environment.

The statement underlined the detrimental consequences of the war on the education system in Gaza and urged for international efforts to address the crisis.

Providing a grim update, the Ministry of Education in Gaza reported that, as of last Saturday morning, 4,327 male and female students had lost their lives, and 7,819 others had been injured.

Additionally, 231 teachers and administrators were reported to have been martyred, with 756 others sustaining various injuries.

The dire situation in Gaza continues to unfold, prompting calls for a ceasefire and concerted efforts to address the humanitarian crisis affecting the education and well-being of Palestinian students. (ILKHA)