Writing on his social media account, Yapıcıoğlu said Sweden, which has made attacks on the Holy Quran a state policy, should not be allowed to become a member of NATO.

Yapıcıoğlu, who stressed that no regulation that could be in favour of the imperialist USA and countries that are hostile to Islam should be passed in Parliament, called on all MPs to say "no" to Sweden's NATO membership protocol.

"Sweden has made Islamophobia a state policy by supporting and encouraging the despicable attacks on the Holy Quran. We, as HÜDA PAR, say 'No' to the bill 'On the approval of the protocol concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Sweden to the North Atlantic Treaty'.

Yapıcıoğlu went on to criticise NATO's post-Cold War shift, accusing it of targeting Islam and Muslims in order to serve "American imperialism and the dirty ambitions of Zionism".

He denounced any legislation that would benefit countries that are openly hostile to Islam and the US, claiming that such regulations should not pass through the Turkish parliament.

Yapıcıoğlu concluded by stressing that vetoing Sweden's NATO membership would show Türkiye's resistance to the "blackmail and threats" of the United States.

This statement underscores HÜDA PAR's strong stance against Sweden's NATO bid, which may influence the upcoming General Assembly vote. (ILKHA)