The event, which took place on the bustling Office Street in Diyarbakır's central Yenişehir district, brought together scores of Prophet Lovers Foundation volunteers and dedicated Jerusalem supporters.

The lively march made its way to Sheikh Said Square in the Sur district, with participants carrying banners and flags and passionately chanting takbir, symbolizing their commitment to the Palestinian cause. The presence of children was particularly noteworthy as they represented the ongoing tragedy in Palestine.

Vedat Turgut, a member of HÜDA PAR's General Board of Directors, delivered a poignant speech at Sheikh Said Square, shedding light on the apparent silence pervading the Islamic ummah and criticizing state leaders for adopting a stance reminiscent of the three monkeys. "We have no hope left from the country's leaders," Turgut said. "For 107 days, we have been in mourning, our eyes are shedding tears of blood. For 107 years, the Zionist terrorist network has been killing Muslims in Palestinian lands. Hundreds of thousands of people have left their homes, becoming refugees in their own land. Those who claim to have gone to space are playing the three monkeys against these massacres, and they continue to do so. During the recent earthquake, people were trapped under the wreckage, asking for help. Today, in Gaza, tens of thousands of people are moaning under the wreckage, while 2 billion ummah members are buried underground. While they claim to have gone to space, for the ummah right now, underground is more of a place than above ground."

Turgut, stating that they have no hope left from the country's leaders, said: "I say from the historical Sheikh Said Square, 'have hope,' because a handful of Muslims, supported only by their Lord, unleashed a flood on October 7 against the so-called super army supported by the world's arrogant powers. The reason the Zionists do not stop is that if a ceasefire is mentioned, they will turn on each other. Currently, parties are being established not for politics but to escape from Israel. We had previously called for the replacement of Saladin al-Ayyubi from here, 'seize the opportunity,' we said, but unfortunately, there are those who provide food and oil support to Israel among the so-called leaders of Islamic countries. Therefore, we have no hope left in them.”

Following a soul-stirring musical performance dedicated to Palestine, Cemil Cahit Ünsal, the General Coordinator of the Orphans Foundation, took to the stage to deliver a comprehensive press statement. Ünsal delved into the responsibility shared by the entire Islamic ummah, particularly leaders of Islamic nations, in responding to Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

He commenced his address with a verse from the Holy Quran proclaiming, "'You are the best community produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.' Let nothing dissuade you from invoking Allah's name and actively advocating for righteousness while opposing wrongdoing. Indeed, Allah assures triumph to those who ardently strive in defense of His religion.”

“Remember Badr Battle. Remember how the believers who fought for the sake of Allah prevailed over the arrogant polytheists. There are great lessons for all Muslims in Badr. These lessons contain messages that shed light on our present and future,” he emphasized.

Ünsal stated that today, in Gaza, there is a confrontation between those who believe in Allah and a group that has become more wicked, and the only thing that has changed is names and places. He asserted: "In historical context, it was the polytheists of Mecca yesterday and the Zionist Jews today. When confronted by the believers, they perceive them as twice their number and lack the audacity to engage, much like the events at Badr. The unwavering divine assistance witnessed in Badr is now manifesting in Gaza. Over the past hundred days, a monumental conflict has unfolded, not only against the Zionists but also challenging the collective arrogance of global powers. Gaza stands as an unprecedented battleground, and we find ourselves on the forefront, steadfastly defending our sacred values, standing united with our Palestinian brethren against the forces of global imperialism."

"It is our obligation to embrace, experience, and empower this jihad," Ünsal continued his address, emphasizing: "One should not perceive Diyarbakır as distant from Gaza. Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Gaza hold a place not only in our sights but also in our hearts. We are the descendants of Saladin al-Ayyubi al-Kurdi. As the ummah of Muhammad, we inherit the triumph of Khaybar! The banner of conquest will remain in our hands eternally. It's imperative that no one assumes Palestine stands alone, that honorable Muslims are indifferent to the occupation of Jerusalem, that our numbers are meager, or that our strength is feeble. Gaza symbolizes a torch, a rallying cry echoing victory for the ummah, an awakening tearing through the veil of heedlessness, and the jihad of the barefoot. Our responsibility is to embrace, live, and fortify this jihad. The anticipated outcome is the unity of Muslims, which will secure triumph in Palestine."

Ünsal emphasized that for over a century, Muslims have endured various forms of oppression on sacred lands. He stressed that the unwavering struggle against this oppression and occupation should set an example for all. “When faced with death and massacres, when tested with the loss of children and possessions, their resilience should stand as a model for all Muslims. They teach us how to entrust ourselves to Allah by saying 'Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil.' Neither our egos nor the lives of our children surpass the value of theirs. Mere mourning in the face of the ruthless killing of oppressed Palestinian infants should not be our sole duty. The expectation from the ummah is to rejuvenate, rise, and staunchly support the glorious resistance in Gaza,” he added. “For the sake of Allah, when will you take action?"

Ünsal concluded as follows: "Gaza is under siege, and there is a blockade in Jerusalem. Zionist Jews raid Al-Aqsa Mosque almost every day. Muslims cannot enter Al-Aqsa. If you, those who govern Islamic countries, do not say 'stop' to this occupation, the hands of both today's Muslims and future generations will be on your collar. If you come to life and rebel against the world's arrogant powers, you will gain the appreciation and love of all Muslims and those with conscience. Most importantly, you will attain the pleasure of Allah. Honor and glory belong to Allah and the believing believers. It is in your hands to have this and to be remembered with good until the Day of Judgment. We will continue to be in these squares. In Diyarbakır, Batman, Ankara, Istanbul, we will shout for Jerusalem and Gaza. We will expect you to hear our voices, wake up from heedlessness, stand up, and open the borders. Our prayer to Allah is to create the means to liberate Jerusalem. The end of our cause is to praise Allah.”

The event culminated with a heartfelt prayer for Gaza. (ILKHA)