He highlighted the widespread detention of Palestinians from Gaza, including civilians, held in secrecy, often subjected to ill-treatment, and without access to their families, lawyers, or effective judicial protection.

Sunghay emphasized that families of detainees, believed to be in the thousands, lack information about the fate or location of their loved ones. He called on israel to urgently ensure that all those arrested or detained are treated in accordance with international human rights and humanitarian law standards, emphasizing due process rights.

"Unless israel can demonstrate imperative security grounds for each person remaining in detention, they must be charged or released," Sunghay stressed, adding that families must have access to information about their loved ones.

He insisted on transparent investigations into all instances of ill-treatment or torture, with accountability measures taken to prevent recurrence. Sunghay highlighted cases where individuals were held in unknown locations for extended periods, describing beatings, humiliation, and potential torture.

Victims and their families, he asserted, have the right to truth, justice, and reparations. The concerning reports include instances of individuals being released without adequate clothing, raising further humanitarian and human rights concerns. (ILKHA)