Altun said that this TRT project is a movement of kindness that believes that every single human being is an honorable being and is based on the ability of each individual to create change. Director of Communications Altun said that today, the representatives of the colonial mentality inflict all kinds of oppression on those who are not like them and those they see as the other, saying: "The atrocities committed by Israel, one of the representatives of the colonialist mentality, in Palestine today are one of the most concrete examples of this."

Stating that the israeli authorities first started their brutal attacks by dehumanizing Palestinians, Altun said: "In the 21st century, barely two months ago, the whole world witnessed the racist and despicable statements of an Israeli minister who said, 'Palestinians are animals in human form.' These statements clearly show us the viewpoint and state of mind of this colonialist mentality. Unfortunately, elite groups who benefit from the current injustices of the world system and who see themselves as privileged continue to undermine humanity's efforts for positive change and render evil invisible."

Noting that the deterioration of the international system in the face of the atrocities in Gaza today shows why change has become a necessity, Altun said: "The fact that many Western international broadcasters have a pro-Israel, biased and anti-truth attitude is another reason for change. Throughout the more than 100 days of attacks, Israel has been conducting black propaganda and systematic disinformation attacks through international media outlets and social media companies. Of course, as Türkiye, we, as always, have reacted clearly and unequivocally to these attacks, and we continue to do so. We have not stood by idly during these hostilities; rather, we have and will continue to support the oppressed Palestinian people out of a sense of humanitarian and moral responsibility."

"Journalists in Gaza have been instrumental in creating a wave of positive change around the world"

Emphasizing that journalists working in the region have demonstrated the greatest humanitarian resistance against Israel's atrocities, Altun said: "They did not only report news; they fought a glorious struggle for truth, and 119 Palestinian journalists were martyred for this cause. The extraordinary and courageous efforts of the journalists working in Gaza have been instrumental in creating a wave of positive change around the world. A conscientious opposition in the world public opinion, in the Western countries, emerged on this occasion and allowed the world public opinion to cry out to their governments, "Stop supporting and standing by those who commit genocide." In fact, the reason why Israel deliberately targets journalists is precisely this: the truthful and fundamental stance of these journalists."

Referring to Palestinian journalist Wael al-Dahdouh, Altun said: "A journalist on duty, Wael al-Dahdouh, unfortunately, lost his family, whom he left in Nuseirat Refugee Camp in the hope that they would be safer, as a result of Israeli attacks on that refugee camp. Moreover, this refugee camp was located in an area that Israel had supposedly declared that it would not attack. But the whole world knows that Israel is deliberately targeting journalists like Dahdouh, who seek the truth, and deliberately murdering their families. We are not only talking about the murder of journalists in Palestine; we are also talking about them being deliberately targeted. Because Israel is indiscriminately targeting innocents in the Gaza Strip and at the same time trying to massacre and muffle the truth."

"We have no intention of giving up on exposing Israel's lies"

Explaining that Israel has been trying to spread its black propaganda built on lies through state officials, academics, and the media, Director of Communications Altun said: "But rest assured, this time it cannot and will not succeed. We have no intention of giving up on exposing Israel's lies and bringing the truth to the global agenda. In the process, we will work tirelessly in the areas of politics, diplomacy, humanitarian assistance, communications, and media in tandem with all of our relevant institutions and organizations, guided by the conviction that mere righteousness is insufficient; we must also strive for better."

Stating that there are still certain segments within Türkiye's borders that cannot tolerate the democratic and pluralistic environment of the press and media, Director of Communications Altun noted that the acts of physical assault perpetrated against a journalist in Istanbul were seen by everybody.

Director of Communications Altun went on to say: "Regrettably, while performing his job, A Haber correspondent Ali Nazif Vural was attacked by an outraged opposition group. I strongly condemn this attack once more. This violent mentality, as well as a culture of violence and lynching, is sadly fueled by some media outlets that cannot shake their ideological bigotry. We regret to see that certain media outlets are attempting to sow hatred throughout society. We, the Directorate of Communications, have consistently opposed and will continue to oppose such endeavors and assaults."

"The current global order that lacks justice needs to change"

Director of Communications Altun continued by emphasizing that throughout its history, the Republic of Türkiye has never been indifferent to the problems and challenges in its immediate region or around the world, saying:

 "For as Rumi once said, 'With us, doors open not only outwards but also inwards.' "Altruism" is the most important quality in our definition of humanity. In light of this, we consider it a moral and human obligation to speak out against the current problems of the world. For this reason, we ardently call for a transformation of the present global order, which evokes the image of interregnum, whose end is uncertain and devoid of justice. The motto of our President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which encapsulates his vision for a better world, says, 'The world is bigger than five!' This statement serves as an embodiment of the resolute and tangible determination that our country has shown in this regard. Indeed, in light of the debunked 'the end of history' and 'there is no alternative' theses and the ongoing discourse surrounding the 'multipolar world' paradigm, the concept of hope has regained its relevance."

"A fairer world is possible," was the remark made by President Erdoğan on international platforms, said Altun, adding: "This remark has been the starting point of beginning to care for others as we care for ourselves and seeking better solutions to the crises we encounter, regardless of which path we choose. Furthermore, it exemplifies an ethical stance characterized by boundless accountability towards others. Through projects such as the TRT World Citizen, we are actively striving to fortify this determination by employing every available resource and capability and advancing it to a more sophisticated and tangible level."

"We consider it wrong to base one's actions on egocentric or Western-centric definitions"

Altun underscored that Türkiye has consistently demonstrated its support for humanitarian causes, not only in these initiatives but also in numerous political and social matters at the regional and international levels, saying:

 "Türkiye, under the leadership of our President, has emerged as a pioneering force or one of the most formidable allies in addressing humanitarian crises and numerous international issues in recent years." The immediate instances that come to mind are the measures we have implemented in response to concerns, including the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine War, irregular migration, racism and xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the global food crisis. Türkiye has demonstrated remarkable humanitarianism and conscientiousness in each of these instances, breaking self-serving moulds, not only on a national or regional level but also in issues that directly impact humanity and the entire world. Because the challenges and crises we face call for us to take more action that resonates globally. This is our duty as members of the human race. I would like to make it abundantly clear that in today's world and in this region, we consider it wrong to base one's actions on egocentric or Western-centric definitions.   Our belief is that our actions should be based on an understanding that encompasses the entirety of humanity.” (ILKHA)