Ankara is deeply concerned about the rising tensions that started with Iran’s attacks on certain targets in Iraq, which expanded with attacks in Pakistan and escalated with Pakistan’s attacks on targets in Iran this morning, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

The ministry urged the sides to resolve problems on the basis of “friendship and mutual respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all parties involved, especially the U.N. Charter.”

Ankara is prepared to contribute to a peaceful resolution of disputes in the region, it added.

Pakistan's army on Thursday said it carried out precision strikes in Iran using killer drones, rockets, loitering munitions, and stand-off weapons that struck "terrorist" groups Balochistan Liberation Army and the Balochistan Liberation Front.

It said maximum care was taken to avoid collateral damage and urged "dialogue and cooperation" in resolving issues between the two "brotherly countries". Pakistan's strikes came two days after Iranian missiles and drones targeted what its state media said were two bases of the militant group Jaish al Adl. (ILKHA)