The event, which brought together 900 scholars from five continents, focused on the theme "Restoring our Religion, Elevating our Ummah, Defending our Cause".

A major focus of the Assembly was the plight of the Palestinians, particularly in Gaza. The IUMS strongly condemned the Israeli government's "brutal and barbaric attacks" on Palestinian civilians, highlighting the tragic impact on children, women and men. The Assembly condemned these acts as contributing to a potential genocide and commended the case filed by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice.

The IUMS issued a strong call to action, urging both Muslim and non-Muslim communities, nations and individuals to "exert intense pressure through all legitimate means" to end the ongoing suffering in Palestine, particularly in Gaza. This includes diplomatic, economic and legal means to stop the potential genocide and secure justice for the Palestinian people.

The Assembly addressed the need for increased support from the Muslim world, calling on leaders and citizens alike to stand up for the Palestinian cause. This includes advocating for their rights, providing humanitarian aid and exploring effective measures to combat the injustices they face.

The IUMS Assembly offered a powerful reaffirmation of the global Muslim community's solidarity with the Palestinians. By calling for global action, internal support and legal accountability, scholars seek to empower the Palestinian people and advocate for a peaceful and just resolution to the ongoing conflict. (ILKHA)