This silent yet powerful act of solidarity aimed to voice concerns over the ongoing massacres and express support for the people of Gaza.

The gathering commenced in front of the Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate, where doctors, draped in their white coats, silently marched to Sultanahmet Square. Holding banners condemning the occupation regime and advocating for Gaza, the healthcare professionals emphasized the need for international attention and support.

Leading the press statement on behalf of the physicians, Dr. Ümit Çiçek, a specialist in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, denounced the escalating crimes committed by the israeli entitty in Palestinian territories. In his address, he emphasized that the impact of these actions extends beyond the Palestinian people, affecting all of humanity.

The silent march marked the eighth instance where physicians and health workers took to the streets, drawing attention to the oppressive measures and seeking support for Palestine. Dr. Çiçek noted the distraction of the national agenda and a diminishing level of support for Palestine within the country.

Expressing deep concern for the people of Gaza enduring 92 days of hardship, Dr. Çiçek saluted their resilience and the dedication of health workers who continue to provide essential services despite relentless Israeli attacks.

In a plea to the state and international aid organizations, Dr. Çiçek stated, "We are ready to work with Gazan health workers and take part in the hospitals and health facilities to be established there." He further urged concerted efforts to secure the release of more than 54 physicians detained by Israel, demanding the reconstruction of destroyed hospitals and ensuring their safe operation.

Dr. Çiçek declared: "Our Silent March has been going on for 8 weeks in more than 40 cities from every region of Turkey with the contribution of health workers who are trying to keep humanity alive."

The physician's impassioned call resonated as he invited physicians, health workers, and people of conscience to join the honorable march, standing against oppression and voicing solidarity with the ongoing struggle. The Silent March is expected to persist until colleagues are free, hospitals are safe, and inhumane actions are eradicated, reflecting the unwavering commitment of Turkey's medical community. (ILKHA)