The decision was confirmed in a statement released by the French Foreign Ministry, which also disclosed the summoning of Azerbaijan's ambassador in Paris on the same day.

The French Foreign Ministry acknowledged Azerbaijan's earlier decision to declare two members of the French diplomatic staff in Baku as "persona non grata." However, France categorically rejected the allegations presented by Azerbaijan to justify its decision.

Tensions between the two nations escalated on Tuesday when Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry declared two French diplomats as "persona non grata," asserting that their activities were "incompatible with their diplomatic status." In response, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry summoned French Ambassador Anne Boillon to protest the behavior of the French mission's employees.

During the meeting, Ambassador Boillon was notified that the expelled diplomats must leave Azerbaijan within 48 hours. The diplomatic standoff reflects the strained relations between France and Azerbaijan, with both countries taking reciprocal actions amid allegations and disputes over the conduct of diplomatic staff.

The situation is being closely monitored for further developments as the affected diplomats prepare to depart their respective host countries. (ILKHA)