He said that this is an obligatory duty for all Muslims, as the Quran and the hadiths clearly state that it is mandatory to help Muslims who are oppressed and attacked for their religion.

Yaşasın criticized the lack of action and reaction from the Islamic countries and international organizations, while the zionist regime has killed more than 9,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, since October 7, 2023.

He said that the world has witnessed the atrocities of the occupation regime through live broadcasts, but the countries have only issued condemnation messages, without imposing any sanctions or taking any concrete steps to help the people of Gaza.

Yaşasın also praised the people of conscience, both Muslims and non-Muslims, who have protested against the israeli aggression in various cities around the world, including the western capitals. He said that this shows that the people are aware of the injustice and brutality that is happening in Palestine, and that they demand an end to it.

He said that the Muslim states should listen to the voice of the people and use their military power to protect the Palestinians, who are facing an unequal and unfair war. He said that this is the reason why the armies of the Muslim states were created, and that whoever is in charge of them is responsible for fulfilling this duty.

Yaşasın underlined that those who have power and do not use it are committing a grave sin and endangering their faith.

Yaşasın emphasized that it is obligatory for every Muslim state, including Türkiye, Iran and others, to direct their armies to Gaza and help the Palestinians who are facing intense hardship and oppression from the israeli occupation.

He cited a hadith from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that lists turning one’s back on Muslims during the days of war as one of the major sins. He warned that the rulers of Muslim countries who do not fulfill this duty will face severe consequences in the Hereafter.

Yaşasın also dismissed the excuses of some Muslim leaders who claim that they do not have enough power, that they fear the repercussions from the US and other countries, or that they are waiting for others to act first. He said that these are signs of weakness and cowardice, and that the Muslim ummah does not need their morsels or their neutrality.

He stressed that the Muslim world is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah and the liberation of Palestine, even if it means going hungry, homeless, boycotted or killed.

Yaşasın said that those who are serious and take action will gain an honor and a legacy like Saladin Ayyubi, the Muslim leader who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders, while those who hold back will be disgraced and condemned in history. (ILKHA)