The data, encompassing the months of July, August, and September, revealed significant growth in the sector.

A detailed breakdown of the statistics revealed that 16.5% of the total tourism income was attributed to Turkish citizens residing abroad, contributing to the nation's robust tourism economy.

Within this quarter, the influx of departing visitors also exhibited a significant rise, marking a 6.8% increase compared to the same period in the previous year, totaling 22.4 million individuals. Among these visitors, 12% consisted of Turkish citizens residing abroad, accounting for 2.7 million people.

The report unveiled that visitors spent an average of $103 per night when departing from Türkiye, while Turkish citizens residing abroad averaged $74 per night.

Moreover, spending patterns within various sectors of tourism portrayed distinct trends. Expenditure on sports, education, and cultural activities surged by 33.3%, with accommodation and food & beverage expenses following suit at 26.1% and 24.6% increases, respectively. However, tour services expenditures experienced a marginal decrease of 1.6%.

The primary purpose of visiting Türkiye for the majority of visitors, at 76.2%, was attributed to "travel, entertainment, sportive, and cultural activities." "Visiting relatives and friends" accounted for 16.6% as the second most common reason, followed by "shopping" at 3%. Meanwhile, Turkish citizens residing abroad predominantly visited Türkiye for the purpose of "visiting relatives and friends," constituting 61.2% of their visits.

In contrast, tourism expenditure, representing the spending of Turkish citizens residing in Türkiye when visiting abroad, spiked significantly by 74.8% compared to the same quarter in the previous year, amounting to $1.93 billion. Individual expenditures constituted $1.49 billion, while package tour expenditures accounted for $441 million.

Simultaneously, the number of Turkish citizens traveling abroad escalated by 43.7%, reaching a total of 2.98 million individuals. On average, these travelers spent $649 per capita during their visits abroad.

The noteworthy surge in both incoming and outgoing tourism figures reflects a robust and evolving tourism landscape within Türkiye, showcasing the diverse spending patterns and motivations of both domestic and international travelers. (ILKHA)