"In the last 24 hours or so, some of our Special Operations forces, alongside israeli Special Operations forces, embarked on a reconnaissance mission into Gaza. Their objective was to gather intelligence and plan potential operations to free hostages and exert influence. Tragically, during this mission, they encountered heavy resistance and sustained significant casualties," Macgregor disclosed during an interview on Twitter/X.

The mission undertaken by U.S. and Israeli Special Forces has sparked concerns about the potential consequences of further American involvement in the aggression.

Macgregor underscored the gravity of the situation, saying: "Once we are officially engaged as co-belligerents in this conflict, it will be increasingly challenging for Russia and Turkey to remain uninvolved. They are unlikely to tolerate the type of collective punishment that israel is planning for Gaza."

As the situation in the region continues to intensify, the international community closely watches the developments, raising questions about the potential ripple effects of the conflict and the broader implications for geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East. (ILKHA)