Kılıçaslan emphasized that it is not permissible to purchase products from companies supporting a regime at war with Muslims.

As support for the oppressed Palestinian people facing occupation and attacks continues to resonate worldwide, ITTIHADUL ULEMA has joined the call for a boycott of products connected to the zionist occupation regime.

Mullah Enver Kılıçaslan emphasized that it is not permissible in Islam to purchase products from companies involved in conflicts with Muslims and those supporting such conflicts.

He cited Islamic texts, including verses from the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), that encourage aiding one another in goodness and righteousness while discouraging assistance in sin and injustice.

"There should be a total boycott," Kılıçaslan declared, highlighting the necessity of a comprehensive and effective boycott against companies openly supporting the zionist regime.

He asserted that buying such companies' products amounted to supporting the oppression and violence taking place in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Kılıçaslan stressed the importance of individuals and governments taking responsibility for the boycott. He called on state authorities, particularly the Ministry of Trade and related institutions, to be more sensitive than the public in this matter and to create public awareness about a comprehensive boycott.

He also urged the identification of companies supporting israel, emphasizing that everyone should fulfill their duty in this regard.

The President of ITTIHADUL ULEMA's call for a boycott aligns with a broader global movement of solidarity with Palestine and opposition to the zionist occupation regime.

Such calls are seen as a means of peaceful protest and a way to exert economic pressure on companies supporting the zionist regime. (ILKHA)