During a press conference held in Beirut on Tuesday, Hamas official Osama Hamdan urged Arab nations to halt any normalization of relations with israel in response to the situation.

Humanitarian Aid and Boycott Call

Hamdan also called for the immediate opening of humanitarian aid crossings to allow the entry of food, fuel, aid, and equipment for rubble removal into Gaza. Simultaneously, he urged allowing the evacuation of the wounded for medical treatment. Additionally, Hamdan advocated for a boycott of goods produced by companies supporting the Israeli aggression against women and children in Gaza.

Healthcare System in Crisis

The Gaza Health Ministry recently declared the complete collapse of the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing Israeli aggression. Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra revealed in a press conference that "Hospitals in Gaza have totally collapsed due to the Israeli war."

He added that 12 hospitals and 32 healthcare centers were forced to cease operations, with concerns that more may follow due to fuel shortages.

Al-Qudra also noted the significant toll on medical personnel, with 65 medics killed and 25 ambulances destroyed in israeli strikes since October 7. The Gaza death toll from the ongoing israeli airstrikes has risen to 5,791 people, according to the ministry's spokesman.

Hamas's call for international pressure comes in response to the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention and relief efforts. (ILKHA)