Women representatives from civil society organizations and mothers came together in front of the UNICEF and UN Turkey Office in Ankara. They united under the banner of the "Ankara Mothers Platform of Palestine’s Friends" to condemn the increasing violence and genocide taking place in Gaza, expressing their outrage and calling for immediate international intervention.

On the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the United Nations, these women and mothers gathered with their children to demand an end to the genocide being perpetrated by israel against the women and children of Gaza.

They raised concerns about the limitations of the United Nations in addressing the crisis. While decisions from the UN Security Council concerning international peace and security are legally binding on member states, the power of veto held by the five permanent members has often obstructed effective action. The demonstrators highlighted the need for a more equitable and accountable Security Council, emphasizing that the current structure impedes the United Nations from maintaining international law and order.

The protestors argued that having veto power vested in a select few does not align with principles of justice, pluralism, and equality among nations. The veto system allows council members to shape the agenda and make decisions that align with their interests, even if it means obstructing decisions that could be in the broader interest.

Over the years, 211 resolutions related to Palestine and Israel have been vetoed by the five permanent members of the Security Council. Most recently, a resolution from Russia calling for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza was rejected, with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan voting against it.

The demonstrators emphasized that this situation leads to conflict, not peace, and perpetuates oppression rather than prosperity. They urged for the establishment of a more just and effective Security Council.

The protesters also criticized Israel for its non-compliance with UN Security Council resolutions dating back to 1948. They highlighted that after Israel's occupation of various territories, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights, UN Resolution 242 called for its withdrawal from these occupied lands. Despite this, Israel, considered the "occupying power," did not comply.

The ongoing violence in Gaza, characterized by Israel's systematic use of illegal and disproportionate force, has escalated to the level of mass killings and genocide. Despite numerous international agreements safeguarding human rights, Israel has been accused of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Gaza, right before the eyes of the world.

The demonstrators expressed their disappointment with the United Nations and UNICEF for failing to prevent these crimes, including the ongoing massacre and brutality. They highlighted that children are suffering the most in Gaza, calling for their protection.

They also emphasized the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, where basic needs such as electricity, water, and bread are in short supply. Gazans live under constant threat from bombings and violence.

In conclusion, the demonstrators called upon the global community to take action against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and criticized the United Nations and UNICEF for their inability to prevent these atrocities.

The full text of the press statement, which was read by Sümeyye Taşyürek, is as follows:

To the World Community,

The United Nations was established after the Second World War to protect International Peace. Today, we women, came here with our children to the 78th anniversary of the United Nations to demand TO STOP THE GENOCIDE that is being committed by Israel against the children and women of Gaza.

The decisions taken by the UN Security Council for the protection of international peace and security are binding on the states, and the Security Council has the authority to impose sanctions in case of non-compliance with these decisions.

However, the veto power held by the five permanent members of the Security Council, the requirement for only fifteen countries to reach a decision, the obligation for the remaining 178 member countries to implement these decisions, and the fact that decisions in the General Assembly, where all 193 member countries participate, are merely advisory, hinder the United Nations from protecting international law and order.

The veto power held by the permanent members of the United Nations is not in line with the principles of justice, pluralism, and the equality of states. Council members, by using or threatening to use their veto power, can shape the Council's agenda and pass decisions in line with their own wishes and interests, preventing decisions that do not suit their interests.

Between 1946 and 2021, a total of 211 resolutions related to Palestine and Israel were vetoed by the five permanent members of the Security Council. The most recent instance was a Russia’s resolution call for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza was rejected with "no" votes from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan.

It is not fair for even one country to have decisive weight in UN decisions and actions. This situation produces war, not peace, and brings oppression not prosperity to the world. The establishment of a more just, effective and accountable Security Council should be ensured.

The United Nations Charter stipulates that Security Council decisions are binding on member states. However, Israel did not comply with 62 Security Council resolutions from 1948 to 2016. After Israel's occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, and the Golan Heights in Syria in 1967, UN Resolution 242 called for its withdrawal from the occupied territories. However, Israel, considered the "occupying power," did not withdraw from these territories.

According to international law, it is unacceptable for any state to invade the territory of a state or community by military force or the threat of military force.

Occupying Israel continues to violate these resolutions and maintain its aggression because it has the unconditional support of the United States and the assurance of its veto against any UN decision.

Since October 7, Israel has been killing all civilians, including women, children, babies and the elderly. Even hospitals and schools, which should be the most protected places, are hit with phosphorus bombs.

Israel's systematic application of illegal and disproportionate force in the occupied lands for years has taken the form of mass killings and genocide.

Despite international law and many international agreements protecting human rights, innocent children and women are currently suffering the most physical, mental and psychological harm in Gaza. Although Israel is a party to many international agreements such as the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention against Torture, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, it commits war crimes, and crimes against humanity and genocide in Gaza before the eyes of the world.

The United Nations and Unicef are complicit in all crimes committed.

Children are children everywhere in the world. They must be protected at all times and in all circumstances. A child dies every 15 minutes in Gaza since October 7, and the international community is content to just watch this brutality and cruelty. According to the statement of the Ministry of Health in Gaza: 436 Palestinians, including 182 children, lost their lives in Israel's attacks on Gaza in the last 24 hours. The number of those killed increased to 5087. Of those who died, 2055 were children and 1119 were women. The number of injured reached 15273. 830 children are still under the rubble.

Even the most basic human needs cannot be met in Gaza. Of the nearly 2 million people living under torture in an open-air prison, 600 thousand were forced to leave their homes. There is no electricity in Gaza, there is no water in Gaza, there is no bread in Gaza... There is no clean air... There are constantly bombs being dropped, there is massacre, there is genocide... Now families write their names on the wrists of their children so that they can be easily recognized in case they are shot. Children are dying in Gaza! Babies are dying in Gaza! Women are dying in Gaza! Mercy is dying in Gaza, conscience is dying in Gaza, humanity is dying in Gaza!

If the United Nations and UNICEF cannot prevent massacres and genocides, then "Why do we have the United Nations?" If they cannot prevent the brutal killing of babies, children, and women, "Why do we have the United Nations and UNICEF?" What and whom do they serve? If they cannot achieve their declared goals, they should dissolve themselves and lock their doors.

We protest the United Nations and UNICEF for failing to stop the crimes, and the ongoing massacre, genocide, and brutality.

We call on the people and states of the world to take the initiative to end this GENOCIDE.” (ILKHA)