The event, which aimed to draw attention to the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Palestine, featured various speeches and statements from participants.

The rally, held near the Adana Central Mosque, opened with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hacı Tanç. Orhan Erkuş, one of the Adana Coordinators of the Prophet's Lovers Foundation, served as the host for the program. The first speech was delivered by Mahmut Eraslan, President of the Adana Civil Initiative Assembly (ASIM).

In his address, Mahmut Eraslan highlighted the dire situation in Gaza, where Israeli airstrikes have caused significant casualties and destruction. He criticized the silence of the international community and referred to a statement by a U.S. official supporting Israel's right to defend itself.

Mahmut Eraslan

“While the US supports the israeli terrorist state, unfortunately, the putschist Sisi at the border remains silent and does not open the doors. The collaborator puppet Mahmoud Abbas arrests his brothers, 50 people who participated in the demonstration. The King of Jordan says, 'We will not take Palestinians.' There is a maddening silence not only in the west but also in the east of the world. There is a maddening silence. However, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, said, 'Believers are brothers. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: 'Believers are like the parts of a body in loving each other, pitying each other and protecting each other. Shame on them, they did not hear, they did not want to hear, they blocked their ears,” Eraslan stated.

Eraslan continued his words as follows: “Do you remember Sheikh Ahmet Yasin, before he was martyred, addressed us, the Muslim leaders who govern us, saying, 'I complain to Allah about your silence. He wrote a letter to the Ummah before he was martyred. 'You Muslims, you silent, perishing dead, do not your hearts ache? Is there no one to be angry for the honor of the Ummah for the sake of Allah?' A Syrian child said, 'I will complain to Allah about you. As he breathed his last breath, he said, 'I will tell everything when I go to Allah. Have we forgotten? We have not forgotten and we will not forget the oppressed people who are attacked not only in Palestine but also in Iraq, Syria, and East Turkistan. That is why we are here, we are together, we are united. Our disorganization has become the power of the disbelievers, but we will break this power, we will shake ourselves up, we will come to our senses, we will stand up. We will stand against the oppressors and obey the divine command.”

Abdulaziz Kıranşal

Dr. Abdülaziz Kıranşal, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Anatolian Youth Association and the National Youth Foundation, also addressed the crowd. He spoke about his deep connection to various Muslim regions, including Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, East Turkistan, Arakan, and Gaza, highlighting the collective suffering and shared concerns of the global Muslim community.

Kıranşal continued by stating that the rallying cry of the Muslim world should be heard worldwide, as he emphasized the need for unity, resilience, and the unwavering defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and Palestine. He declared, "Praise be to Allah that we will never kneel before Zionism and imperialism. We will never give up our Palestine, we will never give up our Jerusalem, we will never give up our Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Kıranşal also emphasized the role of leaders of Muslim nations, saying, "From here, we are giving a message to the leaders of Muslim countries as we are giving a message to Zionism and imperialism. O leaders of Muslim countries! Know that if Gaza falls, if Hamas falls, you will not be able to sit in your seats. Why? Because Hamas is protecting these borders in front of the barrel of Zionist Israel today. If they are withdrawn from those borders, those frontiers in front of the barrel of Israel, this land will be the first place where israel will turn its missiles and barrels. That is why the leaders of 57 Islamic countries have to be ashamed of these hospital massacres, school massacres, mosque massacres, the bodies of children falling on the ground, and they have to take action."

The event served as an example of grassroots solidarity with the Palestinian cause and a call for unified action among Muslim nations.

The message from the rally was clear: the leaders of 57 Islamic countries must address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the oppression faced by the Palestinian people. The rally participants stressed their duty to encourage Muslim leaders to act and warned that failure to do so would have consequences for the entire Islamic world. (ILKHA)