The post includes a video message from Fadia Malhis, a gynecologist at Gaza Shifa Hospital, who explains a dire situation: the hospital's incubator, housing newborns, has exhausted its medicine and food supply, the heating system is non-functional, and without electricity within eight hours, the lives of these infants are at risk.

Altun's message emphasizes the gravity of the humanitarian crisis facing Gaza's youngest residents. The crisis includes a lack of energy, clean water shortages, and food scarcity. He further highlights the substantial diplomatic efforts led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to address this dire situation.

Altun's message sends a clear call to action to the international community to unite in support of Gaza's people. The immediate necessity for medical and humanitarian aid is stressed in order to alleviate the current crisis. The post serves as an urgent appeal for attention and assistance as Gaza faces a critical situation impacting the most vulnerable in its population. (ILKHA)