The mass rally convened to condemn the inhumane Gaza massacres and offer unwavering support to the Aqsa Flood operation. It drew participation from a significant number of attendees.

The rally aimed to express solidarity with the Palestinian cause and denounce the atrocities carried out by the Zionist regime occupation in Gaza.

As part of the event, Vedat Turgut presented a press statement echoing the collective call for solidarity with Palestine and the demand for deterrent measures against Zionist aggression.

He emphasized that the zionists can only be compelled through the use of force, and the Islamic Ummah must assert this power.

The full text of the press release is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Quran: “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people.” (Surah at-Taubah, 14)

As HÜDA PAR, we make the following call in the presence of our beloved people:

The land of Palestine, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque stands, is blessed by our Lord. Therefore, safeguarding the sanctity of Al-Aqsa is not solely the duty of Palestinians but of the entire Ummah.

First and foremost, we need to accurately characterize the situation. The ongoing conflict is not a war between two equal sides. Therefore, making an equal appeal to both sides would mean aligning with the oppressor and overlooking the atrocities committed.

On one side, we witness a group of ruthless aggressors, indifferent to rules and sanctity, employing a language of power and tyranny as they invade Palestine from various corners of the world. On the opposing side, there is a besieged population courageously defending their homeland, even at the peril of their lives. Trapped within their own land, these individuals, guided solely by their faith, strive to safeguard their homeland from the onslaught of these violent invaders.

No international agreement, legal framework, or ethical conscience should deem these two parties as equal or equivalent. The disparity in conditions and opportunities between them is immeasurable.

There exists an unparalleled asymmetry in terms of conditions and resources. Presently, the most heavily armed and technologically advanced nations openly affirm their backing for the zionist cause and actively engage in supporting it. Conversely, despite a significant portion of the global populace with a moral compass rallying behind Palestine against this oppression, the leaders of nations fall short in exerting substantial efforts to prevent the massacre of the Palestinian people. Amidst this isolation and seemingly insurmountable odds, our brethren in Palestine and Gaza exhibit tremendous sacrifice.

Presently, humanity stands at a critical juncture—a test of its collective character. It can either be recorded as a passive mass, indifferent to the utter destruction of a people, or it can etch an honorable legacy in history by refusing to endorse the blatant demise of its brothers and sisters, and by unequivocally siding with the oppressed.

Our Palestinian brothers and sisters do not demand much from us. Primarily, they seek a clear declaration of our solidarity with the oppressed in the struggle between oppressor and oppressed. Additionally, they appeal for our support in meeting the essential requirements of the resistance. As an Ummah, we possess the ample capability to fulfill all the needs of our Palestinian brethren.

A group of dedicated youth from Gaza, with "Aqsa Flood Operation" has demonstrated that the long-standing myth of zionist military superiority, including their supposedly impenetrable "iron dome," is, in reality, a bubble. The iron dome has proven vulnerable and ineffective. The zionists, as evidenced in Quranic verse 14 of Surah al-Hashr, appear capable only of waging battles from fortified positions and behind protective barriers, such as their "iron domes."

Moreover, the Quranic foresight presented in Surah al-Qamar suggests that the belief in their invincibility will crumble, and they will eventually turn and flee. Today, we are witnessing the realization of these verses. God willing, we will witness a mass retreat of the zionist aggressors from Palestinian territories.

As Muslims, we all share responsibilities and roles in achieving this goal.

  1. Islamic countries must promptly unite and take decisive action to halt the ongoing genocide perpetrated by the zionists over the past seventy years. The relentless aerial and ground attacks on Palestinian residential areas must be immediately ceased. It is imperative to prevent the total destruction of Gaza.
  2. An immediate establishment of a "humanitarian corridor" is crucial to deliver water, food, medicine, shelter, and essential necessities for the survival of nearly two and a half million oppressed people residing in Gaza.
  3. Independent nations should liberate themselves from the indignity of seeking permission from the Zionists to access Gaza by sea, land, and air—a region they acknowledge as part of the Palestinian territories. Countries recognizing Palestine as a state under international law should engage in political, economic, and military collaboration with the Palestinian Authority.
  4. The establishment of zionist settlements, often in the form of satellite cities, on land inhabited by the Palestinian people must be discontinued. The occupation by these armed gangs, portrayed as legitimate "settlers," should come to an end.
  5. All military, political, diplomatic, and economic ties with the zionist occupation regime and its commercial entities should be severed. No new cooperation should be initiated until the occupation is completely brought to an end.
  6. Saladin Ayyubi, renowned as the conqueror of Jerusalem in history, united the Ummah to liberate the city from occupation and emerged as the leader of his time. Today, anyone who unites and guides the Ummah in the quest for the liberation of Jerusalem will naturally assume the role of leader and guide for the Ummah.
  7. For over seventy years, Islamic countries have resorted only to "condemnation" in response to the massacres and lawless actions of the zionist regime. It is evident that mere condemnations do not deter the zionists. Therefore, there is a necessity for imposing effective sanctions as a deterrent against every Zionist attack, massacre, crime, and act of lawlessness. The zionists can only be compelled through the use of force, and the Islamic Ummah must assert this power.
  8. The primary factor that enables the zionists to perpetrate such brutality in the land of Palestine, which houses one of the three holy cities of the Islamic Ummah, is the fragmented state of the Muslim world and the internal conflicts they contend with. To secure a life of honor, Muslims must set aside their differences and work towards the establishment of political, economic, and military unity.
  9. Characterizing the zionist occupation in Palestine solely as a Palestinian-zionist conflict or an Arab-Jewish war oversimplifies the complexity of the issue. It's fundamentally a battle between right and wrong, oppressors and the oppressed. On one side are the heroic defenders of their occupied homeland, while on the other are oppressors receiving backing from the global military, economic, and political powers, aiming to annihilate a people through genocide. Adopting a neutral stance in this war is equivalent to endorsing oppression, as condoning it is actively participating in the injustice.
  10. The Palestinian cause is a shared concern for all Ummah. Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem hold significant value for Muslims collectively. It's crucial that this awareness is not lost but instead preserved for generations to come. This should stand as the paramount objective for all institutions within the Ummah.

As HÜDA PAR, we emphatically declare once more: we stand unwaveringly with our first Qiblah, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and our Muslim brethren and sisters. We pledge our lives, wealth, and children to their cause. We firmly support any legitimate efforts aimed at the liberation of Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We are prepared to make any necessary sacrifices along this path.

Hail to the Palestinian people!

Hail to the Aqsa Flood Operation!

Hail to the heroic mujahideen!

Hail to the resistance and resurgence!

Be our witness, O Allah!

Be our witness, O Allah!

Be our witness, O Allah!                                                                                             (ILKHA)