The statement, addressing the barbaric bombings and severe restrictions imposed by israel, expressed deep concern for the plight of the oppressed Palestinian people.

The israeli bombardment has left thousands of Palestinians homeless, with over a million forced to evacuate. The toll includes hundreds of women, men, and children who have lost their lives, and numerous houses have been destroyed in the process.

The declaration emphasized the tightening of restrictions by Israel, with formal announcements indicating a blockade on essential human needs such as food items, water, medicine, and oil to Gaza.

The Islamic Emirate strongly condemned what it describes as a "great human crime" and extends its sympathy and support to the suffering people of Palestine. The statement urges the broader Islamic world to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians during these challenging times.

The Islamic Emirate questioned the silence of countries and organizations that typically emphasize human rights, especially concerning the rights of women and children, in the face of Israel's actions. It asserted that the issue of human rights seems to be selectively invoked for political and intelligence objectives rather than genuine concern for human welfare.

The declaration further denounced the forced displacement of more than 1.2 million Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip and the planned annexation of Palestinian territories as war crimes. The Islamic Emirate criticized the perceived ineffectiveness of international bodies in responding to these egregious actions, describing it as an unprecedented failure of the current international order.

In conclusion, the Islamic Emirate called upon the entire world, particularly Islamic countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to expedite the resolution of the Palestinian issue and intervene to halt what it terms as the brutal actions of Israel. The statement warned that everyone will bear responsibility for any humanitarian disaster resulting from the current situation in Palestine if immediate action is not taken. (ILKHA)