In response to the zionist regime's actions, which included the desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and an uptick in settler violence, the Palestinian Resistance group Hamas launched a large-scale operation on Saturday, characterized by a heavy barrage of rockets. In retaliation for this attack, Israeli military forces announced the commencement of Operation 'Iron Swords.'

On Sunday night, Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted to officially declare the regime at war, marking an escalation in the ongoing violence.

The death toll on both sides of the conflict is seeing a dramatic rise, underscoring the dire situation. Here are the latest updates:

Death Toll in Gaza Climbs to 950

In Gaza, the zionist regime's attacks have tragically claimed the lives of 950 individuals, and the number of injuries now exceeds 5,000, as reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza, according to Al Jazeera.

First Batch of US Munitions Arrives for Zionist Regime

Early on Wednesday, the first shipment of munitions from the United States landed in occupied Palestine, according to Zionist officials. These munitions are intended to support substantial strikes and prepare for additional scenarios, as reported by TASS.

Over 263,000 Gaza Residents Displaced: UN OCHA

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) has reported that the number of internally displaced persons (IDP) in the Gaza Strip has now exceeded 263,000. UN OCHA notes that mass displacement has continued over the past 24 hours, and this number is expected to rise further.

Among the displaced, over 175,486 people are seeking shelter in 88 schools operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The situation highlights the urgency and scale of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. (ILKHA)