The Coast Guard North Aegean Group Command was alerted to the situation after receiving information about a group of irregular migrants stranded in a rubber boat just off the coast of Ayvacık.

Swiftly responding to the distress call, Coast Guard personnel reached the scene and safely rescued the 20 irregular migrants who were aboard the stranded vessel. The migrants were then brought ashore, where necessary procedures were conducted.

Disturbingly, it was reported that the rubber boat's engine had been deliberately dismantled by unidentified Greek elements, leaving the migrants adrift in the middle of the sea.

This alleged act of sabotage has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of migrants attempting the perilous journey across the Aegean Sea.

Following their rescue, the irregular migrants have been transferred to a repatriation center as part of standard protocols.

This incident underscores the ongoing challenges and risks faced by irregular migrants seeking passage to European shores through perilous routes.

The accusations of interference by Greek forces will likely add to the complexity of the situation and raise questions about the safety of such journeys in the future. (ILKHA)