During their phone conversation, Fidan and Cleverly addressed the latest developments in the conflict.

The tensions escalated when the Gaza-based resistance group, Hamas, initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against zionist targets, launching a series of rocket attacks in response to the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and increased settler violence.

In retaliation, the zionist army initiated Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza-based Health Ministry reported that the number of Palestinians killed by zionist forces in Gaza has reached 493, with the number of injuries rising to 2,751.

The Interior Ministry in Gaza noted that the zionist army has intensified its aggression with hundreds of raids. The zionist army claimed to have struck over 500 targets in overnight raids on Gaza, stating that these targets belonged to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups.

According to the israeli Health Ministry, at least 1000 Israelis have been killed, and over 2,300 others wounded in the ongoing conflict. (ILKHA)