The operation, launched on Saturday, aims to counter israeli aggression in the region.

The Hizbollah statement reads as follows:

“In the Name of Allah,

Upon learning of the attack on the forces of Zionist occupation from Gaza, we, as their brothers, have been offering prayers for our heroic Palestinian brothers in our prostration, standing, and sitting during our daily prayers.

With all our material and spiritual means, we declare to the whole world that we stand alongside HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and all our Palestinian brothers.

May Allah grant you victory and success in the 'Al-Aqsa Flood' operation you have recently initiated; may He bring hardship and distress upon the Israelis. May the rockets you launch instill fear in the hearts of all Israelis.

We invite all Muslims, Islamic organizations, and Muslim leaders worldwide to support the resistance for the freedom of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.

May Allah protect you and grant you success in your just cause.”

Hizbullah's expression of solidarity underscores the widespread concern and condemnation of israeli actions in the region, garnering support from various entities in the Muslim world.

The statement encourages a united front among Muslims globally to support the resistance against the occupation of Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem. (ILKHA)