The event commemorated the historic achievement of the Islamic Army under the command of Saladin Ayyubi on October 2, 1187.

The program saw the participation of SALAH President Mehmet Eşin, Dr. Hüseyin Zübeydi, an official of the Iraqi Islamic Party, İsa Güvendik, the Istanbul provincial head of HÜDA PAR, Muhammed Mişniş, President of FIDDER, Dr. Abdulkadir Turan, as well as NGO representatives and citizens.

Mehmet Eşin

Mehmet Eşin, in his welcoming speech, highlighted the significance of studying the historical period when Saladin al-Ayyubi led the Islamic Army to reconquer Jerusalem. He noted that the zionist occupation regime is conducting in-depth research on Saladin's strategies, and SALAH aims to establish a research center to independently study and preserve the legacy of Saladin.

Eşin elaborated on the historical context, stating: "While doing research on Jerusalem, while examining and reading the historical period, while examining it today, we realized the fact that the Zionist occupation regime is currently conducting very deep research on Saladin Ayyubi and that period. Historians, military experts, intelligence officers, sociologists, and psychologists are studying that period."

He continued his remarks as follows: "Just as the crusaders were expelled from these lands, the occupying Zionists are doing deep research on Saladin to avoid the same situation. In the occupation regime, 13 independent research centers are conducting research on Saladin. We realized that there is not a single think tank in the Islamic Ummah that independently conducts research on Saladin, so we decided that it was essential to establish such a research center in consultation with our brothers and sisters, and we officially started the work about 2 years ago."

Eşin acknowledged the importance of a sustained effort, stating: "Of course, this is not a 1-2 year job; it is a process that will continue for a long time. At least we laid a foundation and left a stone. Inshallah, the generations after us will take over this legacy and continue it."

Dr. Hüseyin Zübeydi

Dr. Hüseyin Zübeydi, a Member of the Political Affairs Department and Public Relations Officer of the Iraqi Islamic Party, emphasized the collective responsibility of the Ummah in the cause of Jerusalem. He called on everyone to contribute to the struggle for the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Zübeydi stated: "We came together here as people of different races; Kurds, Turks, Arabs came together. The issue of Jerusalem is a matter of the Ummah. It is a matter that concerns all of us. It is not a cause where some sleep and others work or where some sacrifice and others are lazy. It is a cause that concerns all of us, the whole Ummah."

Muhammed Mişniş

Muhammad Mişniş, President of FIDDER, stressed the importance of researching Saladin Ayyubi's experiences, stating that the path to liberating Al-Aqsa requires a deep understanding of Saladin's strategies.

Mişniş said: "Allah chose Jerusalem and the surroundings of Al-Aqsa Mosque as a gate between the earth and the sky, and He took the Prophet out of Jerusalem. Based on this, we say that whoever makes Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem a goal for himself and works for it, the door between him and Allah will be opened."

"Praise be to Allah that we are Muslims, we are Muslim brothers and sisters. When Allah created us, the only difference between us is the faith and taqwa in our hearts; this is the only difference between us. Allah created us all equal without any difference between any races. Based on this, we understand that if Islam was instrumental in Bilal-i Habeshi's first call to prayer from the Kaaba, there is absolutely no difference between any of us."

Mişniş highlighted the historical presence of Kurdish Muslims during the time of the Prophet and encouraged attendees to actively contribute to the cause of Al-Aqsa, drawing inspiration from the legacy of Saladin Ayyubi.

"The Kurdish race is a race that has been in Islam since the time of the Prophet. There were Kurdish Muslims during the time of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him); Chaban Abu Meymun was a Companion who became a Muslim during the time of the Prophet. He narrated many hadiths from the Holy Prophet. You are the honor and glory of Muslims. You are Muslims who, if you work, will walk in the path of the Prophet (PBUH). When Saladin Ayyubi conquered Al-Aqsa, he realized a strategy and followed it step by step. If we want to liberate Al-Aqsa, we need to research this experience of Saladin Ayyubi very well," said Mişniş.

He emphasized the critical role of Muslims in countering the zionist threat, stating: "Right now, we need to think and do something together about what we can do for Al-Aqsa Mosque. Our Palestinian brothers and sisters have a saying that makes the Zionist occupiers tremble; our brothers and sisters make the hearts of the Zionists tremble with their words there, and imagine what the Zionists will do if the whole Ummah says it in one language."

"What do you think this word is? 'Allah is Akbar' If even this word expressed only by our Palestinian brothers makes the hearts of the Zionist occupiers tremble, imagine what will happen to the Zionists if the Ummah utters this word together. Let no one among us ask what can I do for Al-Aqsa Mosque; there is no such question because what needs to be done is very clear. Each of us will first strengthen his faith and when there is no deficiency in his faith, then he will learn what to do for Al-Aqsa Mosque. Be one of the soldiers of the army that conquered Aqsa. If we are one of these soldiers, Allah will have mercy on us."

"As your Palestinian brother, I will inshallah convey what you have done here to our brothers in Palestine and I will tell them that your brothers in Turkey have not forgotten Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Palestine, and they are doing their best to follow the path of Saladin Ayyubi. God willing, they are determined to conquer Al-Aqsa and they will do their best," concluded Mişniş.

Dr. Abdulkadir Turan

Speaking at the event, Dr. Abdulkadir Turan urged attendees to take Saladin al-Ayyubi as an example and emphasized the need to regain Saladin's identity.

Turan stated: "We are here, and suddenly a herald enters the door and says, 'The Zionists are expelled and Jerusalem is liberated.' What do you feel? We all say Allahu Akbar and we all head to the doors and want to go to Jerusalem. On the Night of Miraj in 1187, on October 2, a good news was spread to the Islamic World; it was said, 'Jerusalem was liberated, and Saladin-i Ayyubi liberated it.'"

"When you analyze Saladin's life, one thinks that the conquest of Jerusalem was a gift given to Saladin. In the face of his sublime personality and righteous deeds, Almighty Allah said, 'Since you are such a righteous, just, and a believer who revives the Asr al Saadah, you should be the Conqueror of Jerusalem.' and gave him that title. We are talking about such a person. No matter how much we commemorate and talk about him, we have not been able to talk about him yet. He has no throne. What kind of a sultan? The Sultan of Sultans, the Sultan of all regions from Sivas to Yemen, from the west of Iran to Libya, but he has no throne. His throne, or even his palace, is his horse. Allah Almighty made Jerusalem His throne. He has no crown; Allah Almighty made the dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque as a crown for Him. You, who did not acquire a throne and a crown, you led the Muslims in the simplicity and modesty of the Messenger of Allah; let Jerusalem be your throne and Masjid al-Aqsa be your crown. It is past time to say who Saladin was; we all know more or less what Saladin did, including our children. We have to ask a new question; what kind of person was Saladin so that we can raise Saladins. Today is the day to take Saladin as an example. We need to regain Saladin's identity," concluded Turan.

The program, enriched with hymns, melodies, and profound reflections on Saladin al-Ayyubi's legacy, emphasized the enduring importance of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque as symbols of the Ummah's unity and resilience against external threats. Participants left with a renewed commitment to studying Saladin's strategies and applying the lessons to contemporary challenges, fostering a spirit of unity and determination in the ongoing cause of Al-Aqsa. (ILKHA)