Under the leadership of Cengiz Kurtaran, President of Hope Caravan Foundation, the organization has undertaken numerous aid activities in Kabul, focusing on helping orphaned children gain access to education and essential resources.

One of their prominent initiatives is the provision of cash aid to orphans studying at the Center for Education and Training, also known as Madresetul Kalem.

These young students, many of whom have lost their parents, rely on the assistance provided by organizations like Hope Caravan to continue their education.

Cengiz Kurtaran expressed gratitude for the support received from philanthropists, emphasizing the importance of these contributions in sustaining their humanitarian efforts.

“As the Caravan of Hope Foundation, we are in Madrasetul Kalem. We have valuable students here. Some of them are orphans. They are really in need. We are delivering the aid of our benefactors from Türkiye to our brothers and sisters here. There are a lot of needy people here. We want to help more people. For this, we are waiting for the help of our benefactors,” Kurtaran said.

The Hope Caravan Foundation remains dedicated to its mission of assisting those in need, particularly orphaned children, and calls upon benefactors to join their noble cause in providing essential support to the vulnerable in Afghanistan.

As they continue their vital work, the foundation's efforts stand as a beacon of hope for orphans and underserved communities in Kabul, offering a brighter future for those facing adversity in the region.

For inquiries and donations, please visit https://umutkervani.org.tr         (ILKHA)