This meeting will address crucial issues such as the inclusivity of the current Afghan government, counterterrorism efforts, and drug-related crime.

Kabulov expressed concerns about the lack of progress on these issues, which prompted the decision to convene this meeting. He emphasized the importance of continued diplomatic efforts in addressing Afghanistan's challenges.

In an earlier development, Russian Ambassador Dmitry Zhirnov extended an invitation to Amir Khan Muttaqi, the acting foreign minister of the Islamic Emirate, to attend the Moscow Format meeting. The Islamic Emirate has acknowledged the importance of this meeting but underscored the significance of resolving differences through dialogue and cooperation.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, stated: “At the meetings, there should be a spirit of cooperation with Afghans and resolving conflicts through dialogue. The Islamic Emirate prefers that all problems, concerns, or demands should be shared with us and discussed directly.”

Political analysts have also highlighted the importance of a competent representative from the Islamic Emirate participating in such meetings. Wais Naseri, a political analyst, noted: “The Islamic Emirate needs to make changes to its system so that when they attend meetings, they give good answers to the international community.”

Notably, last year's Moscow Format meeting on Afghanistan, held in November, took place without the presence of a representative from the Islamic Emirate. This upcoming meeting signals ongoing diplomatic efforts to address the evolving situation in Afghanistan and promote dialogue among key stakeholders. (ILKHA)