Fidan expressed Türkiye's commitment to increasing investments in Algeria, emphasizing the collaborative approach shown by Algerian authorities in facilitating these efforts. He also revealed plans to establish a branch of the Turkish Ziraat Bank in Algeria, aimed at addressing financial and related challenges.

The two foreign ministers, Fidan and Attaf, jointly chaired the second meeting of the Joint Planning Group, formed to monitor the outcomes of the Türkiye-Algeria High-Level Cooperation Council held in Türkiye in 2022.

Fidan characterized their meeting as "fruitful," highlighting their comprehensive review of cooperative initiatives across various sectors, including government, business, and social domains. Discussions encompassed regional cooperation matters, bilateral collaboration, and strategies for making positive contributions to resolving issues in Africa.

Commenting on recent coups in Africa, Fidan expressed concern, stating: "The series of coups unfortunately caused scenes in recent years that we do not want to see in Africa." He attributed these political crises to factors such as the challenges faced by nascent states and political system failures in African nations, particularly those that gained independence relatively recently. Fidan also emphasized foreign intervention and the policies of certain imperial powers as contributing factors to ongoing political instability in Africa.

Ahmed Attaf, his Algerian counterpart, affirmed that Türkiye-Algeria relations are progressing positively on both political and economic fronts. He noted substantial advancements achieved over the past three years and emphasized the expanding cooperation and partnership opportunities between the two countries.

Attaf's visit to Türkiye, which began on Wednesday, is part of a three-day diplomatic engagement aimed at strengthening bilateral ties and fostering collaboration between Türkiye and Algeria. (ILKHA)