Demir began by highlighting the historical significance of the 26 August Great Offensive and Malazgirt Victory, as well as the 30 August Victory Day. He emphasized that these events united all peoples residing in the region and underscored the importance of preserving the shared civilization and spirit of brotherhood.

Regarding the historic 1071 Battle of Malazgirt, Demir noted its role in the Islamization of Anatolian lands. He mentioned that Alpaslan's army received support from various Muslim communities, including Kurds, Persians, and Arabs, which led to the defeat of the Greek army and the opening of Anatolian lands to Muslims. He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by Muslims, including Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Laz, and Circassians, in liberating Anatolia from occupation.

Demir stressed that the ancestors' legacy extends beyond physical land to the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and ummah consciousness. “They actually bequeathed us the Islamic Civilization along with the land. To know the value of this, to protect this civilization and to know the same spirit, the same virtue of brotherhood is a responsibility left to us who are left behind” he emphasized.

Discussing education, Demir highlighted the challenges facing the upcoming academic year. He addressed issues such as ideological education, curriculum content, coeducation, exam-oriented systems, and inequalities in educational opportunities. He emphasized the need to focus on nurturing well-rounded individuals and called for greater support for families facing economic difficulties.

The economic strain caused by the cost of education was also a topic of concern for Demir. He urged for support to be given to financially distressed families to alleviate the burden of educational expenses. Additionally, he called for better funding for schools to eliminate the need for parents to contribute under the guise of donations.

Demir pointed out the issue of delayed distribution of textbooks and supplementary resources, urging a timely solution to ensure a smoother education process for students.

Addressing the contentious issue of coeducation, Demir clarified that their stance was rooted in respecting fundamental human rights and the rule of law. He emphasized that parents have the right to raise their children according to their beliefs, and the state should offer alternative education options that align with parents' preferences.

On the topic of agriculture, Demir expressed concerns about the low corn purchase price set by the Turkish Grain Board (TMO), which he deemed insufficient to cover farmers' costs. He called for revising the announced prices to support farmers and ensure self-sufficiency in agricultural products. Demir also advocated for completing irrigation projects and protecting agricultural land from urbanization and industrialization.

Demir concluded by highlighting the strategic importance of the food sector and the need to reduce foreign dependency and cost increases in agriculture.

The press conference provided insights into HÜDA PAR's perspectives on a range of critical issues, from historical events and education to agriculture and economic challenges. (ILKHA)