The foundation has visited Besni district, Şambayat municipality, Atmalı municipality and Akyazı village of Adıyaman and distributed food aid to the victims.

The provincial head of Hope Caravan Foundation, Mehmet Koçuşağı, said that they are working for the recovery of Adıyaman, which was severely damaged by the earthquake.

"As Hope Caravan, we have been in the field since the earthquake that occurred on 6 February. In the earthquake that affected 11 provinces and caused damage, Adıyaman is one of the provinces most affected by 70 per cent. We had citizens who lost their homes and jobs in the earthquake. The number of families who lost their children due to the earthquake as well as the number of children who lost their parents are very high," Koçuşağı said.

He stated that they continue to visit district by district, town by town, village by village and appealed to the benefactors for their support.

"Today we have reached our needy people at different points of our city, Alhamdulillah. I would like to thank the benefactors who contributed to our efforts to alleviate the damages of the earthquake in villages and towns. We will continue to be a bridge between philanthropists and needy families," Koçuşağı said.

The Hope Caravan Foundation is a non-governmental organization that provides humanitarian aid to people in need. The foundation has been active in Adıyaman since the earthquake and has provided food, shelter, and other essential items to the victims.

The foundation is calling on benefactors to donate to their cause so that they can continue to provide assistance to the earthquake victims. (ILKHA)