The shelling in Shyroka Balka village killed five people, including a family of four: a husband, wife, 12-year-old son, and 23-day-old baby. The young boy died in the hospital, while the remaining victims were killed on the scene.

In the neighboring village of Stanislav, two men were killed and one was wounded by an anti-aircraft missile strike. The missile strike also damaged five buildings.

These villages are located on the banks of the Dnipro River, opposite the Russian-controlled eastern bank. They have become vulnerable targets for Russian shelling attacks. The continuous shelling has led to heightened tension and tragedy for Ukrainian communities on the western bank.

The Ukrainian government has condemned the shelling and called for an end to the violence. They have also called for international assistance to help the victims of the shelling.

The shelling is a reminder of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It is also a reminder of the human cost of war. The victims of the shelling were innocent civilians who were simply trying to live their lives. Their deaths are a tragedy and a loss to their families and communities. (ILKHA)