The event witnessed a significant turnout of devoted participants from across Türkiye.

In a video message sent to the rally, Usama Suleiman, an esteemed official of Ikhwan-i-Muslim (Muslim Brotherhood), expressed his heartfelt support and admiration for the attendees' righteous indignation against the violations faced by the Holy Qur'an.

He extended greetings and blessings to all, invoking the name of Allah and honoring the Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and followers.

The Ikhwan al-Muslimin affirmed their belief in the Holy Qur'an as the divine Word of Allah, bearing timeless wisdom and guidance for all of humanity. They emphasized that the freedom of belief is a fundamental principle in Islam, and as mentioned in the Qur'an, "There is no compulsion in religion," respecting the beliefs of others is essential.

Suleiman stated that individuals who commit acts of disrespect towards the Qur'an might do so due to a lack of understanding of the profound nature and miracles contained within the sacred book. He also posited that envy and jealousy could drive some to exhibit such behavior, unable to bear the blessings bestowed upon those devoted to the teachings of the Qur'an.

Addressing the rally attendees, Suleiman encouraged them to guide and invite those unaware of Islam's true teachings, emphasizing the greatness of their religion and the miracles found in the Qur'an. However, he suggested using political pressure and economic boycotts against those exhibiting hostile behavior to curb such acts.

He urged the participants to consider the attacks on their holy places as tests of their honor, courage, and commitment to their faith. He called upon them to fearlessly defend the Qur'an, the Prophet, and all revered saints, using the opportunity to showcase the miracles and secrets within the sacred text.

Advocating for diplomatic and legal measures against hate speech, Suleiman urged states and governments to distinguish between freedom of expression and the freedom to attack the beliefs of others. He appealed to the United Nations and the European Parliament to enact more deterrent laws to maintain peace and security in societies, protect human rights, combat discrimination, and foster respect for religions.

Concluding his message, Suleiman emphasized that Muslms’ ultimate goal is the pleasure of Allah, with the Prophet as their guiding example, and the Qur'an as their constitution. The video message ended with praises and blessings for all, invoking Allah's mercy upon the attendees.

The rally demonstrated the unwavering devotion of the attendees to uphold the sanctity of the Holy Qur'an and showcased a unified call for peace, understanding, and respect among religions. Participants hope that their message will reach far and wide, promoting harmony and safeguarding the sacred beliefs cherished by millions worldwide. (ILKHA)