The rally, organized by the Prophet's Lovers Foundation, aimed to denounce the despicable acts of defiling the Holy Quran.

Starting his message with a traditional Islamic greeting, Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradaghi congratulated the participants for coming together to protect the sacred Quran, which he described as the supreme and honored book. He emphasized that the Holy Quran is the only Divine book revealed by Allah Ta'ala and preserved to this day, but it has unfortunately faced defilement by enemies of Islam.

The Secretary General highlighted instances of attacks targeting the Prophet Muhammad through drawings and movies and mentioned the burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden and Denmark. He condemned these acts as blatant attacks and dangerous crimes against the honor of the Islamic Ummah, which includes about two billion Muslims across approximately 60 Islamic countries.

Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradaghi questioned the response of Islamic countries and Muslim communities to these attacks and pointed out the Western world's selective stance on freedom of expression. He stressed the need for the Islamic Ummah to stand united and take action against these insults to their sacred beliefs.

Calling for political and economic boycotts against states supporting such attacks, al-Qaradaghi stated that it is the international duty of Islamic countries to prevent these acts and protect their holy places. He called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to convene and request the United Nations to pass a resolution or law prohibiting the desecration of all religions, especially Islam and its holy sites.

The Secretary General emphasized the responsibility of scholars to explain and promote the truth, while also urging the Islamic Ummah to effectively communicate information about the Holy Quran to non-Muslims in various languages.

Ali Muhyiddin al-Qaradaghi outlined a multifaceted approach to tackle these issues, including organizing peaceful demonstrations, utilizing legal and judicial measures, engaging with governments, parliaments, and churches opposed to insults, and maintaining continuous efforts to protect their holy places.

In conclusion, al-Qaradaghi expressed gratitude to the participants and organizers of the rally for their dedication and demonstration in defending the Quran.

The "Respect for the Quran Rally" in Diyarbakır conveyed a strong message of unity and determination among the attendees to safeguard the sanctity of the Holy Quran and protect the values it represents. (ILKHA)